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We spent a whole day picking out bow ties because he didn't like the color, or he didn't like the shape. It didn't match his fur, his eyes,

Merlin's sake it was endless!

People were amused to see the dog shake its head as I presented each bow tie.

Finally, he settled on a black velvet bow tie.

"Goodness Sirius, you'll make me lose all my money."
His tail was wagging, the plastic bag hanging from his mouth.

"Have you got a dress for the Yule ball?"
He asked,

I nodded,
"Yes, actually..."

He looked at me, expecting to see a dress out of nowhere.
"Where is it?"

"At my mum's. I'd have to get it tomorrow,"
Sipping on my tea, I noticed him using my hairbrush.

Arriving at the doorstep of my parents' house, I knocked.

"Ella? What are you doing here? With... Sirius Black?!"

"Mum! No, wait--"

She went to hug Sirius. Which surprised me,

"Come in! Before someone sees us,"
She let's us in, I eyed Sirius as he smiled at me.

"Mum, do you know that Sirius is innocent...?"

"Of course I do! Us four were out that night,"

Four? Sirius, my mum... Who else?

"The Harlotts were with us, they can vouch for him."

Sirius and my father were talking as I tried on my mum's dress.

"Are you sure this looks alright? It's very... Puffy."

"Silence, dear. It looks amazing on you. Besides, it used to be mine."
She caressed the fabric, reminiscing about her young days.

She looked at me suddenly,
"Why is Sirius with you?"

I didn't bother explaining everything, just the important details.

She understood and if we needed help we can come to her.

"Thanks mum."

"Oh look at my little girl! All grown up.."
My dad entered the room, admiring my dress.

My mum prepared dinner for us.

Sirius thanked her, saying he hadn't eaten a real meal in days.

"Fine, I'll let you starve."
I crossed my arms as everyone laughed,

Everything was fine until Sirius had mentioned me and a man.

✓Darling, I love you | Professor R.J LupinWhere stories live. Discover now