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Ella! Ella! Ella! They've been at it ever since yesterday, asking me about stupid things. Calling my name every second,

"What is it this time, George?"
I huffed, resting on my couch.

"What is... this?"
He pulls out a photo book, mostly filled with pictures of my friends during my time in Hogwarts.

"Photo book, you can look through--and.. You're already looking through it,"

Silence, finally. Silence comforts the room as the ginger twins looked through my photo book.

"Oh, I remember her! She's a Ravenclaw, ain't she?"

"I think so,"

I smile, they must be talking about Viri.

"Remember when you fancied her, Fred?"

My eyes widen.

"Yeah, well, she said no, no big deal about it George."

"W-wait, wait. You fancied her?! Since when?!"
I turned to look at them, just standing nonchalantly.

"Since fourth year, but she said no. Says she's into older guys,"
He shrugged, continuing to flip through the pages.

Now that I think about it, the twins did linger around Viri when they weren't doing pranks... And half the pranks were targeted towards her.

"Ugh, I just remembered your glitter bomb prank you guys did on your fourth year. Stuff lasted longer than Pansy and Draco's relationship!"

They laughed, wiping tears off their eyes.

"I admit, it was clever. Handing pamphlets that blows up,"
They gasped, and gave exaggerated thank yous.

"Well, well.. What do we have here?"
Fred instigated,

"Well, Fred, it seems like it's a picture of a previous DADA professor, particularly, Professor Lupin--"

"Okay, that's enough."
I tried to get it back from them but they snatched it away, holding it above their heads.

Curse them and their height!

"Give it back, now."

They didn't give it back.

I was chasing them like I was chasing toddlers.
I'm currently resting under my table after they made me chase them underneath,

"I'm still only in my early twenties and yet, I'm suffering from back problems..!"

Crawling out, I see them sitting cross-legged on my couch, holding up the photo of Remus.

"Alright, fine. What is it do you want?"

They looked at eachother, and back to me,
"You have a crush on him, don't you? Or atleast had one--oh, don't deny it! Then what's this picture for?"

"I don't know? I probably wasn't the one taking it!"

"It says right here, taken by E.B,"
George pointed at my initials,

I sighed, sitting down beside them, propping my feet on Fred.

"Okay, I've had a silly little crush in him, so what?"
I admitted, just so they can quit whatever they're hinting at.

"Well, not all people have crushes on their professors... Especially ones that are maybe thirteen--"


"Right. Fifteen years older than you, and you still have a crush on him after a year?"
Fred finished, looking shocked.

"I don't have a--ugh! You boys are so..."

My mumbles became incoherent while they seemed to be lost in thought.

"No way in hell."

"What?! Come on! It's a good deal!"

"He has Tonks already, George! No way am I breaking them up just because!"

Fred sighed, sitting me down beside him,
"Like we said, we aren't breaking them up! Why should we break them up when they aren't officially together?"

"....What are you hinting at? What do you mean officially?"

They smirked, both wrapping an arm around me as they leaned close to a whisper,
"We happened to overhear that they aren't really together."

"Well, they've got something exclusive going on. I really don't want to be a homewrecker or anything--"

Fred mumbled something and sighed,

"I guess you'll never have mister Professor Lupin, have fun wallowing in your self pity years later on."
George shrugged with a half-assed smile, giving back the picture to me.

"Pillows and blankets are inside the cabinet next to the back door. Extra clothes are upstairs if you guys are gonna wash up,"

Fred got the pillows while George got their clothes, (Newly bought for them)

"Oh, I bought you guys toothbrushes too! They're inside the bathroom."

The twins had slept on spare futons Ella had as she slept on the couch, the two younger boys couldn't stop whining about having her around for company.


Hi, I know this was shorter than my usual, I'm sorry, but I've been mostly focusing in school and my upcoming fanfiction.

Please bear with me.

Yes we are nearing the end of this fanfic, and I'm quite sad because I got attached to Elladora :'((

I noticed I haven't been including her friends (Jean, Viri and Eddy) so they will be in the next few chapters :))

Thank you for reading!

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