Chapter 4: Meeting Jaune (Part 1)

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Ruby's PoV

???: So we meet again, Crater Face...

I froze when I heard that name. The only one who knew this name is none other than...

Me: J...Jaune?

Jaune: So I've said too much, didn't I?

I went up to hug him but didn't realise that his face was turning blue since a helmet was covering his face.

Jaune: R-Ruby, c-can't b-b-breathe...

Me: Sorry!

I get off from him and his men were laughing at what happened to him.

Jaune: James, I swear to god, if you have a camera, I would personally kill you with my titan.

James: I wished I had but guess this is one of your friends who supported you ever since you got picked on?

Jaune: Yes, in a sense.

Me: Wait, Jaune, who are these people?

Jaune: Well, they're my former team and this group is also known as the Ghost team, a part of the Militia and the IMC. Now we need to get going.

Me: Wait, why are you taking her?

I pointed at Cinder and he just simply replied.

Jaune: You didn't know about this but she tried to implant a virus to stop outside communication.

Me: Wait, what???

As I said, his other teammate said something.

???#1: Sir, we better get going. I've detected Atlas guards coming our way.

Jaune: Alright.

Me: Wait, how can I communicate with you?

Jaune: Just tell your team, my former team, team CFVY, Ozpin and some Beacon teachers to these coordinates.

He handed me a piece of paper with written coordinates on it.

Me: Okay, but aren't you angry at them?

Jaune: Well, I wish I could explain but I better get going. By the way, don't tell Atlas of our location.

He left on small bullhead and sped quickly away before Atlas soldiers can get them. Now I was more stunned. Jaune is apparently with the unknown group and sped away in such small bullhead? 

Jaune's PoV

When I left, I thought to myself. Should I've told her that I've forgiven them? Well, as our Crow got back to Harmony, one of my Faunus recruits, Abbigail was waiting for us at Leviathan city.

Me: Well, what brings you here?

Abigail: Sir, one of the soldiers patrolling the area found a wounded woman.

Me: Is she okay?

Abigail: She unconscious but she getting treated as we speak.

Me: Good, you're good to go.

Abigail: Also, she claimed that she was a maiden.

As I enter the hospital ward, I see a woman in the hospital bed. When she was awake, I sat beside her and she asked me some questions.

???: Where am I?

Me: Easy there, you're still healing. May I ask you who are you?

???: My name is Summer Rose, the Summer Maiden

Now that was a surprise. She's the Summer Maiden but what made me shock is that her surname, Rose. 

Me: Summer Rose? As in your daughter, Ruby Rose?

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