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So, you've seen the title, like: "Wait, didn't you Quit Wattpad?"

YES, but I've decided to return to the site just to tie up some loose ends. That being, my unfinished RWBY Stories (along with the unwritten TTA rewrite).

So, after a week or so since I left Wattpad, a friend of mine had been monitoring my account and reading my books when he came across a comment on one of my books, where a user wanted this book to be continued, but another user was like: "He left..."


So, I have in mind that I'll be rebooting the entire storyline of 'The Titan's Arc' book for a clearer story structure and to keep in line with the current continuity with Apex Legends. The others will be getting a very heavy rewrite for the same reasons.

As for a few people why I've left Wattpad, let me explain. My family is going through a crisis since my Father is in Debt and my parents had issues with each other. Another reason is that I might be going insane from the chaotic environment of my class (although the Holiday break in December has stabled it), and the fact that I'm repeating a year in my school makes me want to SCREAM badly. The last reason is that I've exposed some sensitive information about two people (I won't mention their names nor I would tell y'all what it is).

Oh yeah, tomorrow's my Birthday.

(Please leave this part as this is me addressing two people on Wattpad that I know.)

For those who do not like my stories or me, what did I ever do to even bother you? (except for a TAU-obsessed writer and a DnD x TS AU Writer) Yeah, I'm looking at you two, along with your North American friend. If you three say that I'm a goddamn g********r, let me tell you this: I don't care. I honestly do not care what the fuck you two will think about me, cause I have more important things to worry about other than just writing.

The Titan's Arc (Officially Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now