A little teaser...

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So, Imma reveal a little portion of one of the choices. No, I am not gonna end the voting, it's still going on. So here it is.

In the night sky, a white mobile suit was flying away from packs of nevermores, trying to pin the machine down. In the cockpit was Summer Rose. She was given a mission by Ozpin to scout out the Grimmlands (a.k.a The Dragon Continent) to assess the threat of Salem's forces. However, she was immediately ambushed by various grimm that gave chase after her Kämpfer (not the UC one) was heavily damaged in battle.

She fired her mobile suit's beam rifle at the nevermores, with only one of the shots hitting a nevermore, with the rest beginning to pin her down to the ground. The remaining Nevermores began to tear through her white Kämpfer, beginning with pecking out the Vulcan guns in the head, followed by the other weapons on it. She sighed in defeat, beginning to regret taking up this mission. It was her daughter's birthday, and she had to miss it.

"I'm sorry, my Ruby... I'm sorry." She apologised to herself, accepting her demise.

As the Nevermores started to claw at the cockpit, a large artillery piece was heard being fired, as a 280mm shell direct impacted a Nevermore before exploding. The pack turned and saw an unfamiliar mobile suit. The mobile suit is heavily armoured, making it look like it has plates sealed together to be well-armoured, but the main difference is the head. Instead of a polaroid visor, it has two separate eye cameras and a V-fin antenna above the eye cameras. In its manipulators was a giant cannon, which it used to fire at the dissipated nevermore.

So what do you guys think? Pls give me your feedback on the teaser.

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