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Harry thought me and Louis were a thing. I mean, how could he think that? I've barely talk to him this whole night. How could he assume this?

"Oh, no."


"No." I nodded.


"Harry, no."

"Oh." He giggled, fucking giggled.

He arm moved so that it sat comfortably behind my neck. I sighed.
This was going to be a long night.
Ashleigh was still no where to be found and Harry left me to go get another drink, promising to bring me one back also no matter how many times I declined his offer. I still don't know where Louis was and that bothered me. He left sometime during me and Harry's weird conversation. I just hope he didn't hear Harry's accusation. But then again, I still wonder how he would've felt about that.
My thumb brushed over the home button on my phone, checking for notifications from anyone to take away this awkwardness. Maybe I should leave. I mean, no one would notice, but Ashleigh would have my head.
Checking once more, only two minutes past and the clock was just about to hit 11:00. My urge to leave growing bigger and bigger.

I decided to walk to kitchen. As I pad my way over, I notice Louis downing shots with a group of people.
I rolled my eyes, so much for not drinking.
I stood still staring at the scene a few feet ahead, not much in disbelief but worried. I actually believed Louis when he said he didn't drink and by the way his sloppy hands picked up more shots and his eyes rimmed red, I noticed figured he was telling the truth. He didn't drink, but today he did.
His hands reached for another shot glass but the drunken curly haired boy bumped into making him spilling it onto his crisp white shirt.

"Sorry, mate!" Harry cheered, dragging his arm across Louis shoulders.


"Here, here. Have this one." Harry practically shoved it in his face.

Louis grabbed and immediately took a sip. His eyes met mine over the rim of the red cup.
The red plastic left his lips and his focus was on the creme carpet beneath us.
I walked over to them and was met with Harry's crooked smile and Louis' nervous one.

"You've got to try one of these, Victoria. They're so good." Harry gushed over his drink, tipping it over slightly.

I cringed momentarily at the name mishap, but decided to let it slide.

"You know what? I think will." I nodded, "Can you go get me one?"

Louis' eyes snapped over to mine anxiously.
This sudden burst of confidence made me keep my head held high and my words clear. Not questioning anything,

I continued on, "Thought you didn't drink?"

"On occasion." He replied shakily, his eyes again on the carpet.

"Harry tells me that both of your dads are friends."


"So what's the occasion for drinking?"

He aimlessly shrugged his shoulders, "Heard something I shouldn't have."

My eyes shot to him, "Like what?"

My confident façade slowly burning down.

"Doesn't matter anyways." He said lowly.

"If it made you drink, then yes it does matter."

"You really don't like me?" He asked, almost desperately.

"What?" I was completely caught off guard and I've expected it but, it still threw me off.

"Forget it." He turned to walk away but I grabbed his arm and asked, "Can you take me to your sanctuary?"

"My what?" He asked with big eyes.

"You know, the place.... the place with the grass and lake?"

He nodded, "Sure. Yeah, let's go there."

We walked to the door together not saying anything, Louis slightly wobbling. I placed my hand on his shoulder delicately and suggested driving due to his drunken state. He simply shrugged and dropped the car keys in my hand.
"You're such a good person, Ronnie." Louis mumbled, his head leaning on the window and hands fumbling in his lap.

"I'm glad you think so." I mused.

"What about me?"

"What about you?" My eyes flicked over to him.

"Do you think I'm a good person?"

"Of course, you're a great person, Louis."

He scoffed, "I hope your not just saying that 'cause I'm drunk."

I sighed.

"I'm not."

"Okay." In the corner of my eye, I saw his lips twitch up in a cute smile.
"Okay. Now turn left and keep straight, it should be coming up." Louis instructed.

He seemed to be a bit more sober. We've been driving for two hours now and Louis drank a few water bottles to sober up.

"Are we going to go swimming again?"

I looked at him bewildered, "It's like one in the morning and it's freezing."

"That didn't stop us last time." He winked.


"C'mon Ronnie."

"Please, Louis."

He nodded solemnly.

"Can we just lay here?"

"On the grass?" He chuckled.

"Yes." I spoke while laying down, looking at the world above me.

Louis soon lied next me, our steady breathing the only thing that can be heard. He shuffled closer blaming it on the fact that it was chilly out. Both us of us had arms crossed behind our heads as we embraced the beauty of the night.
I sat up and turned to my left to look at the blue eyed boy who slowing stealing my heart away without even having a clue. His hair was now pushed back, away from his forehead and his eyes closed. I cautiously pressed my lips to his smooth ones.
He jumped a little and tensed at my actions, not moving at all. I pulled away and sighed, feeling rejected.

"You didn't kiss me back." I spoke softly.

My head hung low, embarrassed that he didn't feel the same way.
His finger grazed my jaw as he slightly propped it up.
His eyes looked through mine deeply as he said four words, "I'm such an idiot."

His lips crashed onto mine. He kissed me feverishly, his lips almost melting into mine. His hand on my jaw and the other on my lower back as he laid me back down on the grass. He hovered over me continued his lovingly gesture.
He lips pulled away slowly and clear blue eyes meeting me once again. I couldn't help but smile.

"Damn it." I said.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"You're so fucking cute."

"Oh." He replied, "Don't worry. You make my head hurt. No one should be this perfect."

We laid back down, my head on his chest and his strong arms around me. Everything is out there now, I like Louis and he likes me, but still I don't feel comfortable about that.

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