14-Tomlinsons 2.0

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Louis and I stopped at a pizza parlor on the way home. After a brief argument on who would pay for the meal, he snatched my wallet out my hand and placed in his back pocket of his jeans. His face held a smirk with satisfaction.

"I offered to take you out, so it would only be right if I paid."

I pouted, "We could've at least spilt the bill."

"Aw, don't pout." He leaned over the table and quickly pecked my lips.

My eyes widened in shock, I had just been kissing Harry earlier today at lunch and now Louis just kissed me.

I looked down at the table as Louis started to speak, "I'm sorry."

"No, no. It's fine, you just....you caught me off guard."

I gave him a small smile, "It's fine, Louis."

He nodded solemnly. I felt bad, but Harry said we weren't anything serious or special.
I looked at Louis and tilted my head a little. Louis was handsome, there was no doubt about that. From his bright blue eyes to his messy yet neat hair was perfect. Too perfect.

"You're cute." He looked up with flushed cheeks.

I nodded, confirming my thoughts aloud, "You are."

He smiled, a crooked smile and said, "Okay." His smile grew, "You're beautiful."

That was the second time I heard that today and it wasn't from the same person. That made me feel a bit uneasy but nonetheless a confidence boost.
I smiled and sighed, getting up from my seat in the comfy booth and made my way over to him.
He looked at me up and down and scooted over, patting the the empty spot next to him. I sat reluctantly and planted my lips on his.
He smiled into the kiss while I tried to deepened it.
He pulled away and breathlessly said, "Not here."

I nodded and picked up my slice of pizza. Oh gosh.
I walked into my room to find Ashleigh on the phone and blushing. She quickly said good bye and rushed over to me, "How was the date?"

"It wasn't a date."

She scoffed, "Stop bluffing."

"We went and got pizza and talked nothing more."

"Nothing more?"

"Mhm." I nodded.

She frowned, "Just tell me."

I grinned and spoke softly, "We made out."

She jumped from the bed, "Where?"
"In his car," I blushed.

Her eyebrows raised, "Steamy."

"Yeah." I replied, rubbing my lips.

"So now what?"


"Are you guys like together now?" She huffed.

"What? No....We're just.... we're friends. I guess."

"You guess?"


She frowned, "I'm sorry. I just think you guys would be great together."
"Honey, the Tomlinsons are coming over for dinner again, make yourself presentable."

"Not hungry, Mom."

"Then don't eat, but you need to there."

"But Mo-"

"They'll be here in 30."

I pulled out my phone and texted Louis about his whereabouts. He reassured me and said he's coming to dinner.
Louis sat next to me, just like last time.
But his hand on my knee was not like last time. It felt nice. It brought me warmth and my smile the entire night.
"So Victoria-"

"Veronica." I corrected.

"Sorry, Veronica, what happened last time? You sort of, well left." Mr. Tomlinson spoke.

His question caught me guard.
Louis have my knee a reassuring squeeze.
I looked at my mom for some type of help, but I wasn't surprised when she just raised her eyebrows, waiting along with Mr. Tomlinson for me to answer.

I cleared my throat, "I wasn't feeling well."

"That bad, that you had to just run out?"

"Um, I rather not vomit at the dinner table, that's why I left."

His eyebrows raised, "Well then."

"Dad, can you excuse us?" Louis spoke up.

My mother's face didn't hold a pleased look and Trevor just wriggled his eyebrows at me.
Louis grabbed my hand and we left my house in hurry.
His lips were hungrily attacking mine, his hands feverishly moving on my torso, and his shirt was off.
My hands rested calmly on his warm shoulders as we were in our own escape in his car with heat blowing against our backs.

"You are so amazing." Louis whispered once he pulled away.

I smiled, "Thanks."

He bent down and grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head, "We need to get back."

It was now pitch dark outside and we were parked in the outskirts of the city.
I whimpered, "No, I like being here with you."

He pecked my lips and said, "I know, I know. I'll make it up to you, promise."

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