01- Chocolate Milkshakes

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*Veronica's P.O.V*

My breath hitched as I turned around to be faced with my locker. I sighed and turned the lock until I hit the number I desired.

"Were you daydreaming?" Ashleigh spoke amusement clear in her voice.

I nodded shyly, feeling the blood rise to my cheeks. She chuckled and shook her head, "Hate to break it to you Ronnie, but it's never going to happen."

I sighed. "But honestly, do you really think any of us would have a chance? Harry is a popular kid, and we're just there-"

I nodded, knowing she was right. It was true; Ashleigh and I were clearly nobodies, from our lunch table in the corner near the busted window to the point that nobody in the school knew our names. I wasn't ever the type to wear heels and short skirts. One of the many reasons no boy in school would ever notice me, but that didn't bother me to much. I didn't like my name being in others' mouths. I kept to myself and the friend I only had and will probably ever have is Ashleigh. Her hands were flying in every direction possible, exaggerating her whole rant. I turned my head to see the boy I absolutely adored.

He was tall, had dark hair, bright green eyes, and deep dimples that pop out when a cheeky smile crosses his face. Excitement flooded his face as he talked to his crew. I smiled, wishing I could just get to see him pay me attention.

A hand on shoulder awoke me for my deep thought. I turned to see a smirking cheerleader, Shelby.

"Take a picture, it might last longer."

A sly smile worked onto her caked face. Ashleigh gave me sympathetic look. I apologized and walked to familiar cold metal table.
Ashleigh quickly sat in front, "Look they added a new addition to our 'cool' table."
I turned behind me and saw three metal trashcans lined already semi-full.

I shook my head, "Some cool table."

Shelbywalked into the cafeteria immediately walking over to Harry. She kissed his cheek from behind and sat next to his side. I put my head down and groaned.

Ashleigh giggled, "You'll be fine." I rolled my eyes, annoyed.

"Of course you say that. You have Cody."

Her cheeks instantly flooding pink at the mention of his name. I gasped, feeling a cold and thick liquid flowing down my back. I turned around and Shelly smirking with an empty plastic cup in her hand left hand.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Veronica. I meant to throw it in the bin. Oops, my mistake."

The liquid was already seeping through my clothes. The smell of chocolate filled my nose.

I mentally rolled my eyes, just wanting to go hide in a corner and cry. I was in shock, that was an understatement. I looked down at the table, tears brimming my eyes. A slapping noise made my head rise up to see the cheerleader holding her cheek and Harry right behind her glaring at 'Asheigh. They both walked away; Harry was shaking his head in disappointment. This didn't do anything to help me feel any better.

Ashleigh grabbed my forearm, "C'mon let's go clean you up."

I sighed and nodded my face red with embarrassment. We walked into the girls' restroom and locked the door.

"I'm sorry, Ashleigh." I gushed.

She just looked up and laughed, "You're apologizing to me? You're covered in a chocolate milkshake! Did you see her face when I slapped her? Priceless."

I couldn't help but to crack a smile.

Ashleigh always knew how to find the positive side in everything. I laughed out loud, maybe a little too loud. I grabbed the brown paper towel and began wiping off the chocolate mess. I threw away the top I had on and was left with an under shirt. We walked out into the semi-busy hall.

"Here take this." She handed me an oversized grey sweatshirt.

"Is this Cody's?" She nodded.

We walked out the school, the cold air instantly hitting me. Shelly's friends staring at us as we made our way to Ashleigh's car.
"Don't worry about them, they're just bitter and they're whores." She whispered.

I sighed and threw my bag in the car and sat down on the smooth leather. Ashleigh drove to my house in silence knowing I wasn't in the mood to talk. I was ready to go home.

We soon pulled into my drive way, I looked at her and spoke, "You might as well just spend the night."

She giggled and nodded, but I can see behind her blue eyes she held pity for me.

I didn't need that.

I don't like the pity because it soon turns into that person changing trying to treat me like I was born yesterday.

I've knew Ashleigh since we moved here, six years ago. She always swore that she wouldn't change. I somewhat believed her, but there was always that voice in the back of my head that told me I knew better. That people always changed even if they can't control it. Ashleigh's mom and mine worked together at a law firm in London. Their long night hours caused our weekly sleepovers.

We walked in and instantly smelled cinnamon rolls. A smile crossed my face; I already knew Lisa made these. Lisa was our maid but we all treated her like family as she did to us.

"Hey Ronnie. How was school?"

I walked over to hug her and tried to sneak a cinnamon roll, but she batted my hands away.

I pouted, "It was fine, I guess."

Her smile fell and she knew something was wrong, but she didn't ask me, she asked Ashleigh.

Lisa knew that I was going to say nothing so she never asked me; she knew Ashleigh would always tell her. She sighed and rubbed my back, something that always comforted me

"It'll get better." I just sighed and nodded walking out the kitchen into my room. I was tired of people telling that.

Steven suddenly appeared, "Hi, Ron-Ron. How was school?" 

I looked up at the man I had to call 'step-dad' I mentally rolled my eyes at the nickname my real dad used to call me. I no longer hear that, cancer took that away from me seven years ago.

"Umm, it was fine, I guess."

He noticed me tense and awkwardly cleared his throat, "Your mum called she said she be home by seven. She is bringing some friends to dinner, it's kind of supposed to be formal, and I guess you have to dress nice."

I nodded and brush past him and quickly walked into my room.

I smiled at my bed and jump straight on it and closed my eyes. The soft blankets making me start to doze off into a deep slumber.

It didn't last long because the door slammed opened; Ashleigh walked in and huffed, "Thanks for leaving me with your brother, he such a douche."

I rolled over of my back so that I was facing her, "Yeah, I know. Trevor is never going to change." I mumbled.

"So, what are you wearing tonight?" Ashleigh gushed.

"I was thinking a skater-skirt and converse." I mumbled.

She walked over to my closet, "Sounds classy."

Sarcasm flooded her words as she started moving hangers around, "I'm wearing this dress I bought you last for your birthday that you never wore."

She pointed to the simple black dress, her eyes were narrowed. I nodded, not really caring she knew I wasn't really into dresses.

Maybe that was one of the many reasons why mom thought I wasn't good enough for the family. She would never admit it, but I wasn't stupid.

Trevor was a soccer star, but in England known as a 'football star.' My mom was a major lawyer that was known for never losing a case. And then there was me, boring ole me. Known for what? Being the 'weirdo' that sits by the new trashcans in the cafeteria? Oh, what an honor! Even when dad was around I felt left out. I was always just there.

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