A Hot Helper

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"What's the point in these trivial matters of love? There are so many other things to fascinate yourself with." Taehyung says, smirking. 

"You're literally married, Sir. How can you say that?" Hoseok finds himself confused, his frown gets more prominent.

Taehyung laughs at that, shaking his head as if he's talking to a silly kid. He leans in slowly before he stops right in front of Hoseok's face but Hoseok doesn't flinch even one bit. Taehyung smirks, "Who says I love my wife?"


What a boring day.

As he sits beside a woman in her late 40s. An expensive, loaded woman with a huge ego who wanted to flaunt having a younger sexy boyfriend as her possession at a social gathering in a deluxe extravagant restaurant. 

He finds himself chuckling, internally, when he recalls his sexuality. Little does she know I am gay.

Hoseok's job of being an escort wasn't really all exciting. Good thing that he could fake smiles, affection and was a brilliant actor, all of which really facilitated his career of escorting. But one principle he set up straight: Never reveal your sexuality to your clients. You don't owe them that and it can be harmful to your business. Especially when there are tuition fees to pay.

"Honey, do you like the wine?" The woman smiles at him flirtatiously, leaning in closer to pretend closeness. Hoseok was pulled back to reality rudely, a bit grossed at her advances but he managed a fake smile. 

He holds the glass back in his hand and tilts it a bit to show satisfaction, "Of course, dear." He smirks which makes the other rich women at the round table go "Ooooooh~ such love~ I'm jealous~". 

Hoseok can tell his client is thoroughly pleased, she smirks cheekily and says in a seductive manner, "Really? Let me try some, honey."

Hoseok is super professional, so he does as she says. Pretends to be the good, innocent, and obedient little guy this lady wanted to boast around. 

As he puts the glass to her lips, the annoying ladies coo again. But he finds his patience especially at the test when the client lady leans in further and accidentally makes the glass tilt too much and tumble. All the wine spills down onto Hoseok's pants.

"Ooh! Honey, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" She asks innocently. Hoseok clenches his jaw as he stares down at his pants, wanting to gnaw at this obnoxious woman but he remembers this quote that randomly appeared on his Instagram once: Violence is never the answer. 

So he recovers himself quickly and puts on a comforting bright smile. "Of course not, dear. Don't worry, I will go and wash it up, okay?" He gets up, picks up his backpack, and leaves for the washroom.

As he starts washing at the basin, he murmurs angrily, unable to keep his patience, "This drama is going longer than expected... I wasn't paid enough for this crap. And she totally soiled my pants! Is this stain ever going to come out?" He keeps rubbing it with water and also rubs his crotch that now had a maroon stain over it.

Someone clears their throat. Hoseok was too caught up before but now he looks up and with wide eyes notices the guy who stood there timidly. Apparently, the action of his crotch-rubbing was really being done out in the open.

The man looked a few years older than him. But he was a gorgeous man. He has beige blonde hair and is wearing vintage glass frames. He bites his lower lips, averts his eyes a bit here and there, and then sighs, speaking.

"You're only going to stain the pants more with all that rubbing..." He speaks in his deep voice.

Hoseok blinks a few times and stares down at his crotch. He jolts back up, still a bit pissed off despite his conscience being pleased by such beauty. 

"Oh? And what do you know about wine stains, mister? Mind your own business." 

Handsome men think they know everything.

"More than you, definitely." The man feels a bit offended before he sighs, clearly not looking for an argument. "Look," He pulls out a white handkerchief from his pocket and extended it towards Hoseok, "Here. Blot this stain with the white cloth."

"Hell no! How do I know you haven't masturbated on that?"


"Are you for real?" The man asks, gawking awkwardly. "Fine. Let your pants stain more. Bye."

As he was walking away, Hoseok turns fearful. I do not have any white cloth with me! He quickly grasps onto the guy's hand. 

"I'll take it. Thank you!"

The man sighs. He walks back to his earlier spot. Leaning against the counter a bit, he crosses his hands. Hoseok looks up at him a bit, notices his rolled sleeves and his smooth arms. One of which had a birthmark.

Woah, he's hot.

"Bad day, huh?"

Hoseok is surprised at the sudden question. His eyes travel to the guy's face and he chuckles, "Yeah, very. How about you?"

The older man chuckles, "I like to think anyone who comes to this place, never really is happy."

"Wow, that's deep. But also true. Though I'm used to all these elite pretentious freaks and their weird parties, it never really suits me. Just, blegh."

The man chuckles, his deep voice resonates in his throat. "Interesting. What are you doing here then?"

"Me?" Hoseok now faces him completely, he's done bloating his pants, the stain is minimized though still there. "I'm an escort. Here completely for the bag." 

"Escort?" The man's eyes widen. Hoseok nods and pulls out a card from his pocket, handing it over to the guy. "Here's my card. I'm Jung Hoseok, great at acting. If you ever need a brother, cousin, or imaginary person to accompany you, I'm the guy you call."

"I-" The man looks hesitant, staring between the card and Hoseok, he reluctantly takes the card, staring down at it. "Hotline Hoseok?" He mumbles to himself and chuckles.

Hoseok turns and washes the handkerchief. He tilts his head slightly towards the man, "Thanks for the help. What's your name, Sir?"

The man was indulged in reading the card.


"Oh, yeah, I'm Kim Taehyung." 

"Okay, Thank you, Kim Taehyung. I owe you big-time."

"It's fine..."

Hoseok is still busy washing the handkerchief when Taehyung speaks suddenly.


Hoseok stops the basin and turns to look at Taehyung, wanting to be respectfully attentive.

The guy pauses. Hoseok waits for him to speak while Taehyung stares back at him thoughtfully. He bites his lower lip again before finally speaking.

"Can you be my escort right now?"

Hotline Hoseok • VHOPE [18+]Where stories live. Discover now