Morals and Principles

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Hoseok reaches the restaurant ten minutes earlier. He is lead to the reserved seat by the waiter.

He sits and looks around, the corner chosen is more private from the rest of the restaurant and on his right is the window glass that gives a view of the beautiful skyline.

"What would you like to drink, sir?"

"Oh, I will wait for now. Just some water is fine."

The waiter pours him some water and leaves. He barely could pace his restless leg and churning stomach out of anxiety. Am I getting a heartattack?

His eyes suddenly notice Taehyung, and his heart skips a beat. He was wearing a suit, his hair neatly parted, today there was no glasses but instead contact lenses over his eyes. He looked charming and elegant.

And as he flashed his pleased grin at seeing his expected guest, Hoseok felt butterflies in his stomach. Fuck. Why does he have to be so sexy?

"Good evening, Jung Hoseok." Taehyung sits and adjusts his tie a bit.

"G-Good evening."

"Ready to order?" Taehyung asks, holding the menu and looking through it.

"Oh, um, not yet," Hoseok picks up the other menu booklet on the table and looks at it. This is weird, he's weirdly being... oblivious? straight-forward? I don't even know how to describe it. He's acting civil, yes, that!

"Dinner's on me, so feel free to order anything."

"Wait, why? I would like to pay for my-"

Taehyung puts a finger over his lips, "Why fear when Sugar Hyung is here?"

Hoseok feels a rush of something inside his body, there's a rise in him, "Oh my god, you're so cringy."

Taehyung laughs, "I was kidding. But seriously, no need to pay for it. Let's say it's to thank you for coming here."

Hoseok pouts, feeling awkward. "Then... I've decided."

"Alright, me too."

Taehyung politely calls the waiter and gives his order. "And Mr. Jung here will take..."

"... This." Hoseok points to the deluxe steak on the menu.

"Alright, sir. Thank you for the order. Would you both like something to drink?"

Taehyung smiles, "Bring us your finest red-wine, please."

"Surely." The waiter goes away.

Hoseok all the while was staring at Taehyung, a little amazed by his charm. Taehyung looks back at him, noticing his gaze, "What happened?" He smiles, tilting his head a bit.

"You're a mysterious man." Hoseok says slowly with squinted eyes. Taehyung laughs at that.

"You're saying that because you've just met me."

"Technically I met you yesterday, but seriously, your actions and behaviour gives me a whiplash."

"Why?" Taehyung rests his arms on the table, leaning forward a bit, "I like to think I have been very open and straight-forward."

Hoseok chuckles, "Yeah, so open that I have been continuously left flabbergasted. Anyway, straight-forward reminds me... Are you straight? Or are you... Like, I don't mean to be rude... But you asked me to strip... and kissed me all of a sudden... and..." Hoseok pauses as he thinks about the sex part but he shrugs it off, "Uh, what I mean to say is... You're married to a woman so I was wondering..."

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