Part 39: A certain type of love

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The ring of sullenness was a dark and gloomy place. Not much resided here, but whatever did was an absolutely miserable creature, full of hate, sadness, and regret.

The twins felt a great deal of each.

Leland was surprisingly strong for his size. As the fight went on, it was clear to see the twins had adapted to a symbiotic fighting style. With Leland being blind, Abby was his eyes.

Sharing a telepathic link really helped communication as well.

She saw everything, and he protected her from it.

"Get away from Joseph!" Elizabeth slashed at Leland's neck, but he spun and caught her arm.

"A shameful attempt on my life." He shoved her away then deflected an attack from Joseph.

Joseph reeled back and got slashed across his back by Abby.

He'd let his guard down.

Abby tried to follow up the attack, but Joseph used a switching spell, and he'd taken Abby's knife, switching it with a torn piece of fabric. She swung the ripped cloth at him before realizing it, but by then, it was too late.

Joseph punched the little girl square in the face, breaking her nose.

"More where that came from ya bastard!" Joseph tried to focus on Leland, but Abby made another leaping attack at him.

Joseph grabbed her in the air and threw her into the ground, pinning her with two blades around her neck.

Unfortunately for him, Leland had taken Elizabeth captive in a similar manner, a knife was held at her throat.

"Let her go!"

"You let her go!"

They were at an impasse.

"Joseph, I'm afraid! Please! Please let her go! I don't want to die!" Elizabeth begged, tears welled in the corners of her eyes.

"I'll chop her damn head off! Don't test me!" Joseph growled as he held the blade to Abby's neck.

"I can't see. Go ahead. Chop my sister. You're gonna have to watch your sisters head roll." Leland gripped Elizabeth's Jaw.

"You'll hear her scream when I slit her throat!" Joseph brought Abby closer.

In the forests, Ren sat, observing from a distance.

"Come on, Joseph. I thought you were better than this. I can't say it, you just need to figure it out for yourself!"

Joseph wasn't picking up on it.

Abby was entirely dependent on her brother. Anything he said, she'd do it. So she didn't mind that she was being offered as a pawn.

It was all for her, right?

"Does nothing go on in that big dumb head of yours?" Ren laid on the thick tree branch and killed a giant spider.

"Yuck. Arachnids..."

Joseph suddenly had a little revelation while holding Abby captive. They weren't talking, but still seemed very coordinated.


"The heads are connected..." Joseph whispered.

What if he was to... interrupt their communication line? He swiftly bashed Abby's head with the handle of his knife. She fell over with blood streaming from her ears.

Leland reeled back, grabbing at his head, aware now that his sister wasn't conscious. She wasn't responding to his instructions.

"Elizabeth! Do it!" Joseph shouted.

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