Part 5: Capital punishment

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Before the search for the demonic beast of Vermont could start, a new problem had arisen.

Jack's stalker had arrived in hell.

Not even death would keep them apart.

She seemed to have a real knack for tracking people down. Even in a completely unfamiliar land, she'd managed to find Jack hours upon arrival.

Jack was grabbed from behind. He thrashed around, panicking because he had been taken by surprise.

"Oi! Calm down, my love! It's me!" A feminine voice called out.

Jack stopped his thrashing for a few seconds and broke her grip once it loosened up.

He tried to yell at the woman but opened his mouth and got blood all over the floor.

"You stupid fuck! Quit making a mess in here!" Cornelius shouted as he thrust a bucket into Jack's arms and got down to wipe the blood. "How about I just piss and shit all over your home? Oh wait you don't fucking have one because you're new and probably too much of a bitch to get one yourself."

"Now now Cornelius, shut the fuck up please, I'm using your bar as my stronghold because I like you." Ren came to Jack's aid.

Jack waved his arms wildly, pointing to the new demon.

Her once rosy skin was now sickly and pale. Eleanor's eyes were incredibly bloodshot while still retaining their light blue pupils. Not much had changed with her in death.

Aside from the vile, jagged orange fangs adorning her mouth now.

"Yes, yes, your girlfriend is back. Miss Eleanor, if I remember correctly?" Ren waved dismissively.

"No, Jack seems frustrated." Charon chimed in.

Jack was upset that his life had become a big game of charades. He really needed more effective ways to communicate.

"I think it means, what are we going to do with her?" Reginald stroked his chin.

"Oh... well... she was a horrible person. She'd probably make a good fighting demon." Ren twirled his cane.

"Who are we fighting!?" Eleanor took a step back. "Who are any of you!?"

"That isn't too important. The question at hand is what can you do, sweetheart?"

"Well, I'm not too sure, but on the way here, I found out I can do this." Eleanor vanished into thin air and appeared behind the bar's counter. "Oh, and this." Eleanor drew her knife, revealing a glowing orange blade, stained with the blood of dozens of men.

She threw the blade down, and it came right back into her hands.

The knife stayed with her for many years. No matter what happened, she would never lose it.

Eleanor's neck cracked, causing her head to fall and hang at a near 90-degree angle for a little bit. She placed it back to normal and let out a deep breath.

"Oh bollocks! It happened again."

Eleanor had been hanged to death. She was caught in a back alley lauguing with her knife wedged in a mans neck, attempting to decapitate him.

Her kills got really sloppy once Jack died.

In some sick, twisted way, Eleanor believed she could be closer to Jack by killing in a brutal and virulent fashion the way he did.

"Interesting. You're a bit like Charon. It seems... yeah... you definitely have fighting potential. Cornelius! Pour everybody a round." Ren snapped and dropped a handful of coins on the counter.

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