Part 51: What side are you standing on?

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As Ulric and Ren rode down the streets of hell, they heard Ezra calling out to them. They halted and listened to him, rudely blocking traffic during this discussion.

"Ugh. I'm so tired of running everywhere." Ezra took in deep breaths.

"Hurry up! What!?" Ren tapped his thigh impatiently.

"I don't know what Satan did, but we've been using your minion thingys to scout, Drago definitely has new eyes, and apparently, they got the four kings on Satans side! Not to mention a bunch of randoms from the ammo dump. That place is a mess! Ren, we're screwed!" Ezra spoke frantically.

"If Idina will help us, we'll be okay. Her armies were large and disciplined. She was an amazing leader..." Ulric stared off into the distance.

"And we have Morgana, Alejandro, Alastair, Argo, Valerius... if she's not high, count Iris in. Then there's the four horsemen. This is more than a fair fight." Ren calmly leaned on Ulric's horse. "Why were we riding anyway? I could take us there instantly."

"I need time to think about what to say to her. It's been centuries." Ulric rubbed his head.

A car honked at them. "Get the fuck outta the road!"

Ezra kicked the front of the car and pushed it back about 20 feet. He turned and sighed.

"Hell is such a weird place. You got cars and horse riders. Businessmen and knights. Television and stone carvings. The way old meets new..."

"Gross to think about." Ren shuddered. "The progression of time..."

"Stop getting all philosophical. Come on, we need to get going." Ulric whipped his horse.

Ren slipped a few times. "Take care of everything while I'm gone! Tell Reginald he's in charge. And try to wake Sigurd up from that coma!"

Ulric shouted commands to his horse, but Ren warped them, horse and all, to another country.

Castles, and their ruins were everywhere throughout hell. The two looked around the hilled countryside area as they rode toward Idina's castle slowly.

"I didn't say to warp us."

"Yeah I know. I was just getting bored."

"It was 30 seconds of riding!"

"Boring... you know I'm surprised there are so many castles in hell. Shouldn't they all be gone by now?" Ren stared at a castle, then looked off at another castle.

"Kings and queens still love living the way they did. Even if it earned them a spot in hell. Holding on to their outdated lifestyles..." Ulric looked down. "I'd change a lot in my life if I could."

"Idina wasn't a bad queen, was she? And you weren't a bad king."

"No. She was a woman of great character, a strong leader... I, however, was a horrible king. Remember they call me the cavalry of the damned? I led all my soldiers straight to death. Just because my damn ego was too big to back down."

"Hey, you've got a chance now. I honestly think that young Elizabeth had a huge impact on us. I see things differently now..."

"You've definitely changed Ren." Ulric smiled. "I know you like your evil reputation, but human isn't a bad look on you. You're projecting honor and nobility in your actions. Who would've thought?"

"Times change Ulric. Society is moving forward. The age of knights and cowboys and mass warfare are coming to a close." Ren examined a pink crystal in his jacket. "Though I do still find it hilarious that humanity screwed itself over so many times. Nothing tops the stock market crash of 1929. All those orphans." Ren laughed and wiped a tear away.

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