Part 15: The hatchet men

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The ring of violence was quite chaotic. Many aggressive demons resided here, killing, raping, and pillaging.

Ren didn't like it here.

There was way too much riff raff lurking about.

"Filthy animals. Just killing with reckless abandon. They don't even have a reason for it. Just so... pathetic." Ren scoffed as he walked along the streets.

A group of scruffy demons emerged from a collapsed building.

"Lookie what we got here. A couple of hotshots are looking to claim some action." A lizard like demon hissed. "Wasn't you the one that was cast away, snow white?"

"Why yes indeed. Now, unless you want to be a pile of ash, I'd recommend you leave." Ren looked down at the demon. "I'm not going to ask you twice."

"Hey hey hey everyone lookie here! The creepy doll is mad!" A short hairy demon shouted out, pointing mockingly. "You gonna sic dog man on us!?"

"Perhaps." Ren shrugged. "It makes my life easier."

"We'll definitely get some respect for killing a former overlord." A tall and vampiric demon called out in a low tone. "I've just been itching to drain somebody. I bet your blood would be delicious."

"Would... that's a big hypothetical statement, sir! Would kill me, would drain my blood. What gave you the idea that you had a chance?" Ren laughed. "Sic em Ezra. We have bigger fish to cook."

"Gladly." Ezra growled.

He charged and tore the lizards head off. The short demon tried to jump on his back but was slammed into the floor.

The vampiric demon rushed forward but was held in place by Ren.

A fourth demon sprung up from the ground only to be clawed to ribbons by Ezra.

Ren released his hold on the vampire demon's shadow before grabbing him by the neck.

"Let me tell you something." Ren hissed through his teeth. "I may be a former overlord, but my strength didn't change in the slightest. My advice to you? Don't walk around pissing people off when you're this pathetic." Ren slowly burned the demons neck and threw him to the floor. "Tell this ring about my return."

The demon trembled in fear, scurrying away as Ezra and Ren continued through the demented cityscape.

The pair reached what looked like a town hall square.

Ren approached a bloody fountain and looked inside.

Dirty water gushed out continuously.

"This looks like the glass that killed me..." Ren chuckled.

"You've got a sick sense of humor." Ezra scoffed.

"I don't think so."

The bloody fountain sat right near a toppled statue and a smashed building.

Ren looked over to the smashed building.

"It would appear we have squatters residing where Lefty's shopping emporium once stood."

"Don't get in my way, Ren." Ezra smacked his own face and snarled. "I've got all of them! Nobody treats Lefty like that!"

"I'll never understand your dedication to that man, but okay." Ren whistled to garner attention. "Hey! You! Jackasses! Over here!"

"Aye, Jugs! Lookie here! Fresh meat!" A scratchy voice called out.

Ren and Ezra watched a 9 foot tall demon emerge from the building, carrying a giant woodcutters axe. His face was heavily scarred, covered in pasty black and white makeup.

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