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{Canada's POV}
-I GOT IT!!! I FINALLY FUCKING GOT IT!! I HAVE AN IDEA!! Shouted Ame from his room.

I was at the living room just chilling, waiting for Ame to get ready to send me to school, until that animal screamed from his room. He hurried down and was jumping with joy.

-What's your idea? I asked annoyed.

-You shouldn't be annoyed. I have found a way to steal Aussi and NZ along with Ukraine and her little siblings away from their families!

-Woah wait, really? You aren't fucking with me, right?

-Why would I?

-Right. But how are we going to steal Uki away from Russia?

-She's miserable there. So it's perfect. She trusts you, right?

-I think so.

-Offer her some help and make her little siblings like you.

-We've already met.

-Good, now are you ready? It's time to go.

-Yup. I said and got up and walked towards the door. I wore my shoes and waited for Ame in front of the car.

When we arrived, I instantly looked around for Uki but what I saw made me feel fear. Two small bodies were wrapped around my legs, not letting go. Ame was beside me and he was worried. I bend down with my knees so it made those two let go. I took a look at their faces and... Ah shit. What the fuck happened? It was Belarus and Kazakhstan all bruised up with some bandages but it was a quick patch. I patted their heads and Ame squatted down to look at their faces. Those two were scared of Ame since they didn't know who he was. But because he's with me, I guess they kinda trust him.

-What happened? I asked those two and they broke down and straight away hug me. I patted their heads gently and softly telling them that everything is alright. It work since their tears are slowly disappearing. I looked up at Ame and he used his hands to tell me that he has to go and I nodded.

I asked again what was going on and they pushed me away.

-H-H-Hospit-t-al... Uki... Russia... Belarus started and I instantly knew what happened.

-Is Uki in the hospital because of Russia? I asked making sure. The two nodded a bunch of time and started to shake and again. I motioned with my hand to come closer and hugged them. That was the last time Russia was going to hurt anyone.

When class was over, I went and looked around for those two. As the best friend of Uki, I had to make sure that her little siblings are safe with me. They surprised me from behind and giggling. I was able to comfort them before.

-Do you know where Uki is placed in the hospital?

-There's a nearby hospital in our street so we sent her there. But I think she went to a bigger one. Kazakhstan explained and I nodded.

-Why don't you guys show me where that hospital is.

-Okay! They both said happily and grabbed my hands and started to lead me.

I entered it and a cold breeze hit me inside. There was a lady at the counter looking on her computer and looking at some papers. I walked towards it and cleared my throat to make her notice me. She did and asked what she can help me with.

-I'm looking for a girl name Ukraine, is she there?

-Oh sorry, right now is not a good time to visit her because the doctor is checking up on her.

-Oh, how long will that last?

-Soon it will be finished, so you and your little siblings can wait in the waiting room.

-Oh, these aren't my little siblings, it's Ukraine's.

-Oops, my apologies.

-It's fine, umm, could you tell me when I can go in?

-Yeah sure, what's your name?


-Alrighty, I'll call you. The lady ended the chat with a smile. I walked with Belarus and Kazakhstan in the room and sat on a chair.

When the lady came in, she called my name and I jolted up. I called Belarus and Kazakhstan to come with me and they obeyed. The lady walked with us to Uki's room with us, she opened the door without knocking. Uki was sitting on her bed, looking down on her hands. Belarus and Kazakhstan tackled her with a big hug and were eager to cry and did. The lady left and closed the door. Uki raised her head to us and now I could see it, her eyes, fully green with what seems like no life in her eyes. When I said "fully green", her pupils, iris and sclera are green. When she noticed I was staring at her eyes, she closed them and looked away. For some reason, seeing her eyes made me feel joy. It was the first time I've seen it, and I liked it. I see her beautiful in every way.

-Don't make fun of my eyes... She whispered but loud enough for me to hear it. I chuckled and walked towards her and sat on the chair, looking at her. I had a smile but then when I remembered why she was here in the first place, I lost it.

-You need to let me help you.


-I can help you to feel safe, for you to not get hurt anymore by Russia.

-I-I can't, my siblings...

-My mother can take care of you, she likes meeting new people.

-It's fine, I'm gonna be fine... She said and smiled at me. I sighed in defeat.

I walked Uki home for once and she thanked me and walked back inside. I turned to go to my house but I heard screaming. I instantly barged inside and saw Uki on her knees and on the floor was Russia with a knife in his shoulder. I looked over to Uki and she was calming down Belarus, I guess it was her who screamed, not Uki. I called the police and they came 5 minutes later. They told me to go home and try not to panic. I obeyed and speed walked back home. I opened the door brutally and saw Ame with his shades up, smiling widely at me when he saw that I entered.

-Why did you do that?

-Part of the plan.

-And how did you stabbed him? He's taller than me.

-Hid inside a vent with my gun and shot his leg. When he fell down, I kicked open the vent and took out my knife and stabbed him.

-Why did you leave the evidence?

-Don't worry about it, I wore a glove.

-Yeah but maybe Uki touched it before you killed him.

-No way. We had a play in theater class and we had a scene where someone killed a guy and a lot of members except me touched it. So whoever's fingerprint they find, will be sent to them.

-Why did you wanna kill Russia? I asked and the door bell rang and we both looked at it.

-That's why.

{Author's note}
I am staying in a hotel with wi-fi so I thought maybe I should just write a chapter since I had nothing better to do.

┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

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