Decisions, Decisions

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It's an ordinary day on Earth - people in one half sleep peacefully inside air conditioned concrete jungles, while people in the other run the course of their monotonous daily lives, working to their wit's end to make ends meet. Planes fly overhead, ships sail, automobiles zoom past the pedestrians, every human busybody runs an endless race against time till they finally cross the finish line called death.

Life at the headquarters of COEXIST at Mumbai, India is no different - esteemed leaders representing national governments all over the world are seated in the chambers and debate a new reform in the endless loop of arguments and counter arguments that's the foundation of a democracy. The topic currently on table is need for drastic environment reforms, and how they are detrimental to the economy.

Three days of roundabout discussions have revolved around statistics showing how increase in expenditure on advanced production equipment as well as ecofriendly waste disposal will reduce annual company profits, hence impacting taxes and subsequently overall world economy. Avni is tired of arguing with some imbeciles like Xi Chang, that have a non-existent moral compass along with a bull-headed approach to oppose every motion she proposes for better future of Earth.

"I don't understand Ms. Singh, what will it take for you to understand how finances and businesses work? Why should we ask the companies to increase their investment for these reforms, when tangible returns are negligible to them? It'll cut down their profit margins, and in turn we'll also receive lesser taxes annually. Your approach is not practical, even though your arguments are extraordinarily good for a primary environment lesson. Perhaps you should understand now that world economics cannot be run by preaching peace and doing the right thing."

Avni seethes internally at the personal jab to her peace prize victory last year, but decides to ignore his childish remarks. She's a personification of physical composure as she responds with a calm smile, "Of course Mr. Chang, I'm definitely no economics expert, but I'm sure someone with vast knowledge of world economics like you would be aware that COEXIST spends a substantial share of the said tax money to deal with industrial waste disposal, alongside other environment reforms needed because of these careless businesses. If we solve the problem of industrial pollution at grassroot once and for all, won't we be able to do away with or at least reduce those overhead costs? I'm sure you and other renowned economists will agree that we can deal with lesser taxes for a few years if we can compensate by decreasing expenditure in environment sector in subsequent ones. Honestly, the money spent for improving air quality and cleaning water resources currently is being sucked into a metaphorical black hole - no matter how much you put in, there is nothing to show for it. The environment is just worsening year after year."

Xi Chang fixes an intense glare on a calm Avni, and she has grown so immune to it now, it hardly affects her the way he intends. Instead, she returns it with one of her charming victory smiles, because she's sure he has nothing to counter her, for now. So, she continues.

"Nobody has to take my word for it, at this stage it's just a proposition. We can constitute a working committee, and nominate top economists and environmentalists to work on it, so they can suggest an approach that suits everyone in the long term. We can review their findings in a fortnight and draft a bill on the basis of their recommendations."

Most of the leaders nod appreciatively at Avni's suggestion and after speaker's confirmation that nobody has anything more to add, the house votes on it. When the result is unanimously in favor of Avni's suggestion of a working committee, her smile stretches from ear to ear, for it's truly rare that she succeeds to sway the opinion of people who take immense pleasure in opposing her daily.

Her joy, however, is short lived. Amidst the congratulatory greetings and handshakes, the chambers of COEXIST abruptly turn dark due to an unforeseen power failure. Such power collapse hasn't occurred in COEXIST ever since its foundation, owing to the solar energy system powering the building, so the resulting commotion by the members is overwhelming.

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