I still have hope

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"Earth's peacemaker shows mirror to Volzites." 

"Indian leader's enlightening words spark a debate about what humanity truly means."

"Are Volzites really true villains? Or they're another selfish, misguided species like us?"

"What's the future of Earth at the hands of a human peacemaker and a ruthless, alien King?"

Vadarius turns off the connection to Earth after seeing the latest developments from their online news portals. Avni's victory speech stunt during the duel this morning has become an eye-opener for both humans and Volzites alike.

He sighs in frustration and wishes it could have opened his brother's eyes too. He's as stubborn as a mule. Sometimes, Vadarius doesn't even understand why he is so hell bent upon wiping out humans from Earth. They were doing absolutely fine with taking Earth's resources low-key and silently. Then, one morning, he suddenly wakes up and decides that time's up for humans and they need to die.

Vadarius shakes his head and gets up to visit his brother's room again, he just hopes this time he ends up shoving some sense into that man's thick skull.

"Vadarius", Albatross greets him as soon as he enter the room.

"Albatross", he nods back at him, telling him by his informal address that he's here to meet his brother, not his King. But before he can utter another word he is abruptly cut off.

"Look brother, if you're here to convince me why I should let humans go unharmed, let me stop you right here. I'm tired of having this conversation with you. Your words can't change my mind, and I don't want to ruin our relationship over this."

Vadarius sighs audibly, "Maybe my words can't change your mind, but Avni's can."

Albatross fixes him with such a heated glare that he can literally feel his skin getting warmer.

"You can't deny that she's right, brother. You heard her today, every word she said made sense. Many of our own people have started talking about how our treatment of their planet and species is cruel and unfair."

He sighs and rubs his temple, "I know, I've seen the news telecasts."

"I saw the updates from Earth as well. Her little stunt was an eye opener for them too. She's right you know, there's still hope. For them, and for us too."

"Wow Vadarius, now you've started speaking her language too."

"Stop deflecting, brother. At least tell me you'll apologize to her for branding her as a damn cold-blooded murderer. We didn't even give her a chance to defend herself, much less a trial like she said. She didn't deserve that treatment."

Vadarius waits for him to respond, but the stubborn man refuses to even utter a word.

"You know what, Albatross, I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no other choice", he says as he turns on the display panel in his brother's room and login into his own account.

"If you want to show me the telecasts from Earth, I'm not interested in what-"

Vadarius shakes his head at him, "No. You remember how Precious' last nanny was caught sleeping in her room, while Precious escaped to the lake garden all alone? You got so pissed, you fired her immediately. Then you appointed Haile and installed cameras and microphones into Precious' room to keep tabs on Haile. Haile didn't mind and we eventually forgot about them.

After this morning's events, I decided to check on the recordings to see what had actually happened that day in her room. I really wish I had looked sooner, Avni suffered for two days unnecessarily. Anyway, while I was looking, I found another clipping too, from the night we were attacked and I got hospitalized. I'm showing you both these clips now."

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