The heart wants what it wants

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As the party goes on in full swing and melodious, soulful music plays in background, Albatross pulls Avni closer to himself, as they begin swaying in each other's arms. With Avni's hands on his shoulders and his own on the small of her back, the distance between them slowly melts away, leaving them in a closer proximity than they ever found themselves before.

They dance in comfortable silence, brown caramel eyes lost in deep, warm ambers, trying to decipher the emotions swirling in the enigma of the alien man before her. His face scintillates ever so slightly every few minutes, the constellations on the expanse of the sky mapped on his skin fascinating her beyond reason. His strong build and broad shoulders are a stark contrast to her own gentler curves, the muscle she gained from over one month of hard physical training no match to his spectacular physique.

As Albatross twirls them around, still lost in each other's eyes, and basking in the warmth of their proximity, he cannot help but see the beautiful woman in his arms for the kind, brave and indomitable soul she is. While he has seen prettier faces and sexier bodies of many Volzite women in his life, none ever captured his both his mind and heart like her. She is unafraid to show him the mirror when his judgements are wrong, and yet she is compassionate enough to forgive him for the wrongdoings he keeps inflicting upon her unintentionally. She both subdues his anger and flames his ire, and yet he feels driven to her like a moth to a flame.  She is a paradox, the personification of everything he could never be. She has somehow become his archenemy, when all he can think about lately is how qualified she is to be his best companion.

The silence stretches for several minutes while their eyes do all the talking. Their moment of sweet truce and silent intrigue for each other is, however, disturbed by a bouncing Precious who tugs at both their clothes to capture their attention.

"Brother, it's time for the ceremony. They are all waiting for you near the ritual circle", she points to the middle of the ball room where the new couple, a priest and Everly's family are waiting for Albatross.

As they step back from each other and look around, all eyes are focused on them, some with a speculative gaze, others with disgust, especially some noble Volzite women who are looking at Avni like she did some grave crime by dancing with their King. 

Albatross nods at Avni silently, his lips quirked upwards at one corner in the beginnings of a smile she has never before seen in his eyes. He holds Precious' hand and begins to walk away, while Avni silently retires to a corner of the ballroom away from prying eyes, so she watch the ceremony peacefully.

Albatross reaches the middle of the ritual circle, blatantly ignoring the crowd's inquisitive eyes, along with the new couple's strangely knowing ones. He gets rid of his gloves and hands them to a helper outside the circle, and motions for Precious and the new couple to enter the circle beside him. Everly and Vadarius stand across from each other, while Vadarius stands between them on one side and Precious on the other.

"My beloved Volzites, as you all know, we're here to celebrate the eternal union of two beautiful souls, my noble and kind brother, your Army Chief, Vadarius Vrokzad King, with his soulmate, the sweet and gorgeous, Everly Leonard Orion. With the blessings of Goddess Selene, I, Albatross Vrokzad King, in my capacity as the ruler of Volzolks, commence the ritual for their bonding."

Albatross draws the ritual dagger from his waist and unsheathes it. Then, in a swift motion, he slashes his right palm, and allows the dark glittering red of his blood to pour in the center of the circle, at the space between Everly and Vadarius. 

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