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Modern Warships were strong ships and have Excellent firepower than ww2 ships and many countries have been building there own new ships for there Fleets Patrolling the Oceans and The Seas and we're the best ships to trust





Amphibious Ships


Aircraft Carriers

And other Ships were made in those Countries have been putting everything in there effort to build there Fleets

Location: Open Waters, But in A Unknown Location

At almost Sun Down

Prince: Hnngh What happen....*Looking at her Hands* What this this can't be real *Looking around* This is really strange but I'm Human *Was about to panic but calm down a little* Doesn't matter now

Aircraft Carrier Prince Of Wales

Nationality: United Kingdom

Prince: *Looking at the Sun* It's sunny out here but it's almost about to be Sun Down soon but I don't know how long will it take me look for something out here but I have no choice I have for something out her

Prince didn't want to give up on searching for something in Open Ocean but she kept searching for hours and on her Ship drinking Tea

In her Ships Bridge front Island

Prince: *Sigh* Well this might take long before I can find somewhere to dock

Flashbacks of her transforming into her riggings

Prince: Good thing I was prepared for everything

Until she heard a noise on the radio

???: *On Radio* Unidentified Ship you are approching our position and you are in range identify yourself immediately or You'll consider to be hostile

Prince: This HMS Prince Of Wales Second ship of The Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carriers

???: Prince Of Wales oh boy I didn't expect you to be out here too this USS Enterprise CVN-80 but just call me Enty

Prince: (Mind: CVN-80) Ok good to hear from you so what's your location

Enty: *On Radio* We see you up Ahead just keep heading straight

Prince: Ok

Enty: Ok looks like things are getting better and better

Aircraft Carrier Enterprise (CVN-80)

Nationality: United States Of America

Enty: Mom another ship is insight She's from the British Royal Navy

E: Good

Aircraft Carrier Enterprise (CVN-65)

Nationality: United States Of America

E: Zumwalt how is everything going

Zumwalt: Everything is good to according to plan ma'am

Enty: Good how is everyone

Missile Guided Stealth Destroyer Zumwalt

Nationality: United States Of America

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