Chapter 5:

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The Mission to gather the Intel of The Black Mental Cube was a success and now things are getting better than ever Thanks to Enterprise,E and Enty including the Modern Warships and are now Turning the Tide Against Red Axis


E: *Waking up and Yawning* Just another Sunny day *Smiling* That days battle was rough but we did win this is a turning tide Against the Red Axis

Belfast: A very good morning Miss Enterprise my dear

Belfast: Breakfast is ready and waiting

Enterprise looks at the table were she carry a lot of ration bars that soldiers use for war

Enterprise: I'm coming

After that they went to canteen to eat breakfast and Enterprise meet Nevada

Enterprise: Isn't that too much

Nevada: Don't be that modest , I own you one for helping Oklahoma I thank you for that

Kaga M: Oh morning Enterprise good to see you here this morning それは名誉です (It's an Honor)

Arizona: Yes it's really is good to see you

Ramage: Yeah nice to see you here

Kirisame: *Nodded* 朝の灰色の幽霊 (Morning Grey Ghost)

Enterprise: Oh Hello

She grabbed her Breakfast and she meet Northampton she and her sisters were talking to Vella Gulf, Zumwalt, Ronald and George H.W Bush

Northampton: Morning Enterprise

Ronald: Oh That's a Lot you must be really Hungry

Zumwalt: Seems that way right Grey Ghost

Enterprise: Oh no that's uhh nothing (Walks away to the next table and sat down) Breaths Belfast why don't you take sit too

Belfast: Apologies I must intend to my duties as a Maid

Enterprise: I don't think I can finish this along

Belfast: Well if you wanted assistance then I be more delighted to join you

Bel: Mom I'll take of the rest If you don't mind

Belfast: Sure why not

And then E and Enty arrive at the table

E: Hey Mom mind if we join you

Enterprise: Sure thing

And they all sit at the table with Enterprise and Belfast And Vestal see Enterprise and was happy how she changed and then Hornet came behind her

Hornet: "YAWNING" So What's Up (looks at Enterprise ,Belfast and her Niece and grandniece with Enterprise sitting at the table)

Vestal: It feels like Enterprise starting to open up a little bit

Hornet: And for my Niece's they both carry the same name and they are strong like her

Ford: You can always stick with the best

Hornet: Damn Right Ford but it's still weird to be related to a champion

Ford: Cheer up Hornet it's not that bad

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