Chapter 12:

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It's been months Since the destruction of the Orochi and the Siren attacks are slowing down a bit and then things are peaceful now on but the Sirens are still at large

Location: Azur Lane's Territorial Waters

Ships On Patrol:

Peter Strasser

Aircraft Carrier Enterprise CVN-65

E: "Feeling the wind" Fresh Air today

Normandy: precisely it is Big E I would wonder when it comes to this Patrol

E: We will be getting back home when this is Over I assume that what ever it is you want to do back home

Normandy: Having a break would be better for me

Baltimore: Come on Normandy You can use the exercise

E: She's right

Normandy: Fine

E: Good

On Ship HMS Invincible

Invincible: You seem to be a very calm one

Asahi: How calm will I be *With her Eyes Close*

Invincible: *Smiles* I see how about you Weser

Weser: Same

Peter Strasser: *Giggling* I have to say you never fail to impress Weser

Weser: *Sigh*

Invincible: *Similes* Well things are always good when it comes to having fun but don't lose focus Next time

Zumwalt: Amen to that But there's been Siren activity here in this area just keep a look out

Washington: Right

Underwater Ballistic Missile Submarine Henry

Henry: Seems like underwater is clear so far for now but I'm still a little worried about doing the Ballistic Missile test later

After the destruction of the Orochi ships of Azur Lane we're knowing about Henry because this is the First time they saw a Modern Submarine but they were confused about that she was a Ballistic Missile Submarine which they never heard of but the Modern Shipgirls notice that Ballistic Missile's are unknown to them but we're consider the most powerful weapons ever build but E is thinking about that but told them they'll arrange a Weapon test out a sea

E's Carrier

E: *Mind* Looks like this is going to be a long patrol today

Azur Lane Base

The base was the same as always no battles happen here but just a peaceful day and every Shipgirl was having a good time

Enty: *Yawning* Good grief I must have stay up last night

Ford: Well kid things like that always happen

Doris: Yep You can say that again

Kennedy: I have nothing to say about that

Enty: Oh Stop it You Three

Doris: *Laughing* That's my 3rd Older Sister

Repulse: Morning Enty how are you today

Enty: Same as always Repulse

Cleveland: Hey Enty

Enty: Hey Cleveland good time

Cleveland: You bet

Port Royal: Hey wait up

Cleveland: You're being a Slow poke Port Royal

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