Chapter 10:

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Now Orochi has been Activated and it's now on the move and heading towards the Siren Fleet and Red Axis is in pursuit and chasing it down and they were shock that Akagi and Kaga we're working alongside with the Sirens means they did their bidding and now the Real Challenge begins and the situation is getting worst and now Purifier manged to escape with the Black Mental Cube alone with other Siren Ships that were damaged

Enterprise: The Final stage

Belfast: You always do show up in the nick of time

Enterprise: I can't just stand around if you all be so reckless

Belfast: A Knight in Shining Armored Thanks for your protection

Enterprise: Spear me it's not it

After that Edinburgh heard some noises

Edinburgh: Do you guys hear something

Cleveland: Yes I do that sound different than a plane

Sheffield: I guess that's explains it (pointing to something coming in the distance)

What they saw in the distance was a V-22 Osprey and it flew over them and and Rotors tilted and landed on the water and the back door open

Enty: Need a lift Grandma

Enterprise: Enty it's you

Enty: Yep I came get you and the others I guess that Siren got away for good

Belfast: Yes of course

Enterprise: She said they'll meet us at the Final Stage

Enty: Well I guess they'll be waiting for us to arrive we should get so hope on

And then a few minutes later at the Siren Fleet The Enemy ship Orochi was activated and it wasn't fully prepared till the Black Mental Cube that Purifier recapture is successfully transferred into the Orochi and that cube is the last one That Orochi needs and now back to the Azur Lane Base they received a unknown Anomaly that is far from the Orochi and Azur Lane Base and Kaga M decide to Go check it along with Kingsville, Pierre Rhineland, and Ticonderoga Class Missile Guided Cruiser Lake Erie as well

Cleveland: What is this

Hornet: It's probably must be a Siren Attack

Cleveland: But why a distorted island

Queen Elizabeth: Perhaps they nearly try to taught us and under estimate our power

Hood: Indeed your Majesty this could be a test and if they use what ever did that to Strike this base

Hornet: Kaboom well be toast for sure

Helena: I think this what might did it a few hours before the island was vaporize a ship departed from the coast of the Sakura Empire it's destination is unknown

Edinburgh: Sheffy it's that

Shelfield: Yes it's has to be the one it has the characteristics of the ship hidden beneath Sakura Empire

Hood: So this Orochi what an enormous beast

Prince Of Wales: The port of Sakura Empire sustain heavy damage as it departed and must became as a shock to them and the Ironblood as well

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