Chapter 7:

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After The Battle between The Azur Lane Alliance and The Sakura Empire Both fleets that participate in the battle were scattered and some were alone looking for there comrades and trying to make sure they're safe but the Situation is getting worst than we thought

Location: Unknown Arctic Waters

London: I see when the special combat zone collapse earlier it cost the rest of the nearby area unstable as well

Hood: Are the Sirens the ones behind all of this Chaos

Prince Of Wales: It may have to deal with Project Orochi what a mysterious event caused by Enterprise, E and Enty something tells me they're related

Queen Elizabeth: Whatever the case if I put gold is to thwarf their plan we cannot let the Sakura Empire to escape

On Hornets Carrier

Columbia: Uh big sis any idea what's going on

Cleveland: Why would I know it's all surprise to me too

Hornet: What the heck is she doing seriously E, Enty I hope you two are okay

Belfast's Location

Belfast: Enterprise Why


Javelin and Laffeys Location:

Laffey: *Whimpers* So Cold outside

Javelin: We got separated from the other we have to find a way to meet back up with the fleet soon

The Blizzard was picking up too much and in a mist of cloud cover was a figured it was Ayanami

Javelin: It's Ayanami

(Enterprise: There what's once a time when the world was a simple place Invaders from the outside were our enemies that was the sole reason for existence in that time Humanity was backed into a corner it was a tough world to live in but our mission to fight kept us going Fighting our enemies protecting our love one's those are two things were one and the same Without contradiction However)

Ayanami: Oh Great This Again I don't understand why won't you fight why are you just standing there What's the matter with you

Laffey: We told you before we just don't want to We want to be friends

Javelin: That's Right why would we try to hurt someone we'd rather be close to

Ayanami: Because we were created to be Enemies that's why

Laffey: Doesn't Matter

Ayanami: What is wrong with you were we're worships who fight opposing warships how is that so impossible to understand

Javelin: You're wrong it's not that simple there's more to us than that

Until now

Laffey: Watch Out

A shot was fire and they somehow managed to dodge it and Ayanami look behind her was Yuudachi, Yukikaze and Shigure protecting her javelin tried to convince them but it didn't go well

Yukikaze: Guess we'll have to settle this another time

Yuudachi: Don't expect us to go easy on you

Javelin: Ayanami Wait

Laffey: Javelin

The Attacks were getting Rough because it keeps making more waves and are getting bigger until Javelin started falling backwards and Somehow was saved by Belfast

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