Who Knew (Tsunagu Hakamada x Reader)

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Warnings: None

She walked into the Genius Office with her head held high and a small backpack behind her shoulders. Being forced to move agencies was pain, but [Y/N] had no choice. After several scandalous occurrences in the previous agencies, she worked at, her parents and siblings, who were successful pro heroes themselves, gave her an ultimatum: either she would join the Genius Office, or they would do everything in their power to ensure that she would never be hired into another agency in the country.

She groaned in frustration. Her family were acting as if the scandals were entirely her fault, when in fact, technically she was the victim. How was it her fault that one of the employees got handy with her and in a startled state, she accidentally spiked him.

To hush up the criminal case, her family paid out a significant amount. Getting her ex-colleague to sign the no further complaints statement was a whole different story. He demanded a public apology, which she rejected at the core. This led to another haughty sum being paid on her behalf.

Saying that her father was outraged is an understatement, so when her brother's best friend offered to lend a helping hand, Mr [Y/F/N][Y/F/L/N] changed his anger to mercy.

So, there she was, in Tsunagu Hakamada's fancy agency, feeling more annoyed than pleased. Hakamada made it perfectly clear that his friendship with her brother will certainly not cut her any slack, and the fact that he knew her since birth did not mean anything in their working environment.

A bunch of men with freaky hairstyles, which reminded her of Best Jeanist, greeted her as she walked through the agency.

Tsunagu got up from his seat and straightened up his posture. Extremely tall and extremely lean, he reminded her of a rail. "Good morning [Y/N], it is my pleasure to welcome you at the Genius Office, where our appearance, speech and actions are elegantly delivered to the society."

[Y/N] heard of Tsunagu's peculiar ways,but experiencing them first hand was different. "Okay," she finally responded. Her gaze fell on the blonde kid, who she recognized from the sports festival.

"Here in the Genius Office, we start the morning by greeting each other."

The blonde kid snickered, earning a glare from the girl. "So, let's start over. Good morning [Y/N]."

[Y/N] winced; annoyance rose inside her chest, but she could not allow herself to get short tempered, so she gritted her teeth and followed his lead.

"Good morning," she exhaled soundly.

"Very well." she could not see his face, but she was sure that Best Jeanist was smiling. "This is Katsuki Bakugo. Starting today, he is an intern in our agency. Although you came from different backgrounds and for different positions to this office, you seem to share a similar problem, therefore, during Bakugo's internship with the agency, you two will receive the same training."

[Y/N]'s eye twitched. Did I hear him correctly? He is putting me on the same level as an intern? She stepped forward. "I refuse."

Bakugo watched with interest, curious of how things were going to unfold.

"This is not a matter of discussion." her heavy gaze did not budge him.

"I am a licenced pro hero..." she started, but Best Jeanist gracefully raised his hand to stop her.

"Whose licence is currently under investigation and potential threat of retraction."

"What the hell did you do to get your licence taken away?" Bakugo could not help himself.

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