4. Devil's Advocate

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"TOMORROW'S DAWN SHALL MARK THE SELF-CHOICE CEREMONY OF KRISHNAA who has come to us like fortune itself. The competition is set such that my daughter shall marry the most brilliant archer of this era— the one who I know is walking the earth with the gaits of Devarajah!" Drupada beamed at the breakfast, his warm eyes settling on the middle fire-born whose cheeks heated up. And the other way, the littlest one curled her nectarine lips in an imperceptible frown and looked ready to protest.

"There is really a swayamvara? Why? I mean, it's too early innit? Jiji you didn't tell me about this, is it fair? Would I have to go soon too?" Krisha huffed, torn between seeming betrayed and at conflict with herself.

"Yes Krishu, every woman has to go, one day or another. It's a tradition. And about Draupadi, she is mature enough. You will also be married, when we find someone for you," Dhrishtadyumna crooned at her though it was anything but genuine, mirth glinting in his eyes which added to her ire.

"I am not going anytime soon so I would rather advise you don't get your hopes high and have useless daydreams." The unimpressed princess snorted, cocking an eyebrow. "I might as well pose my right over the throne as a suitable heiress lest you bother me, Bhratashree."

"This is- is this how it works here? How would she know if the person who has been able to prove himself in the competition shall also be a suitable life-partner? Pitashree a woman isn't a prize. Then why set a condition for her self-choice ceremony?"

"Putri," Kokila intervened, much sweet even as she was somber. "You shall get used to the norms of the world. A self choice usually has a bride festooning a groom of her choice. Krishnaa's is a bit unconventional. It functions like a veerya-shulka. The most ideal method as taught by the revered ones."

"But not if they are morally wrong," Kamalnayani retorted, then turning to her elder sister who looked troubled. "Getting used to unrighteousness, considering a woman nothing but a prize is completely objectionable. How can you even approve of this, Jiji? I have known the Mleccha tribes can be misogynists even!"

"Krishu, you know I can deny if I don't want to marry the man who would have 'won' me." Draupadi smiled, the image of flames being reflected in her demeanour. It was warm, but one should know that 'tis the flames which also reduce the mightiest empires to ashes. Especially of a woman's fury.

"The traditions of the Aryans are distinct from that of the other tribes for we are much civilized ones. And even in Mlecchas, you do see exceptions like the kingdom of Madra.

A woman is not a prize. Never in the eyes of truly noble men. You shall beget a groom of your choice, little one, we assure you that nobody will act against your wish."

A flustered Kamalnayani looked away and slowly nodded. "Thank you for enlightening me."

"You shall be hitched to a beast, I shall make sure of that." Dhrishtadyumna joked in an attempt to annoy the former, while the parents stifled their giggles well mindful that none of them were any lesser than the other in all terms.

"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." She simpered with a shrug of her shoulders.

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