36. The City Of Elephants

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Kanha's eyes observed her rummage through the scroll with curiosity as a sigh passed his lips. The time had come, he grimaced at the thought. A prahar ago, he had received the letter from Maharaja Drupada, stating the happenings at the place and how Kanha and his Hridayaa needed to at once, arrive there.

"Aishu's letter?" Kamalnayani exhaled a breath as she put the letter aside, mulling over the complicated words the woman had used. Lively and sassy, Aishani was a woman of intellect. She had once scared the living daylights out of Shakuni, and was the reason why her Matamaha was on check.

The past calls, the future beholding a secret. Come come, oh sun of Panchala!

What secret? And why was her past calling her at that place?

What secret? And why was her past calling her at that place?

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Flashback :-

4 years ago

The inevitable was to occur, Maharaja Dhritarashtra had to divide Hastinapura between his putramoha and jealousy. Hence, every near and dear kingdom had been invited. At the entrance of Hastinapura, stood Kanha as Arjuna immediately rushed to his side, worriedly peering at him. The former, in return, only gave a smile which gave a million cryptic solutions and of course, all Arjuna had to say was, "PaRaNtU mAdHaVa..."

"Hush, my baby sister will be arriving soon. Wanna see Subhadra in Khandava?" Kanha wiggled his eyebrows as Arjuna's face flushed up, but he was quick to come back too.

"Your Sakhi's baby sister is also arriving, any views regarding that Madhava?"

"Partha..." Kanha cocked his head to the side and sang.

"Madhava..." Arjuna too teased, and then both of them chuckled.

Shortly after, the royal family of Panchala was to be seen by the gates.

The king and queen sat by each other on a grand chariot, beaming at the royals who had come to welcome them. Behind them, followed their kids chronologically. Shikhandini, ever so unimpressed by the jokes Dhrishtadyumna and Kamalnayani cracked and giggled like maniac kids. However, they straightened up and pressed their fingers against their lips when they saw that everyone had their curious gazes settled on them.

Everyone dismounted their vehicles and so did Kamalnayani, closing her eyes momentarily to let her bow melt off in thin air. She waved at Kanha, grinning cheekily when he waved too. Their eyes sparkled and Kamalnayani felt her cheeks heating up when he winked.

What are you doing Kamalnayani? Focus, there's everyone! She chided herself before scooting to her mother who looked amused. "Laado, come. This is your sister's house."

"Indeed only a house, not home." Kamalnayani spoke ruefully as she sensed the cold aura enveloping the ambience. Though everyone greeted them with smiling faces, there was something that caused her to repel. As if... as if negativity had climbed to the top notch and even breathing here felt like a sin.

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