48. Gauri To The Rescue

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Along the rising sphere of flames in the state of VishnuPuri, the ho-hum routines of the populace came to initiation. The golden hour sprawled like an inferno of aureate in the vast welkin, awaiting to be greeted by the sight of the sublime multiple forms of Vishnuvakshasthalasthita who were the ones breathing life into every corner of macrocosm, Shri Vishnu the pivot on which the living hinged to.

Farmers and their helpers were on the fields, sometimes ankle deep in fields of paddy and the other times the grains of wheat danced with the passing breeze before their sparkling orbs. The ladies of the household either were busy with their kids or the chores, and the kid populace were most probably rushing to collect their dreams in the lines of their quills and epistles, atramentous marks of the ink jotting their bright futures.

Everything was as pleasant as it could have been. The folks were devoid of debt, the coming of Dhanya Lakshmi meant prosperity in crops and wealth; and everyone was able to afford their needs. Since desires were ceaseless and often destructive at times, they had learnt to make merry even in the smallest of opportunities. They were content with the reign of their queen and hence to some extent, even she had gained confidence due to being thrown into the situation with all the other doors shut.

The head gorilla -cough cough- the odious father-in-law of Kamsa was posing a threat, again, and it was needless to mention that Raksh had been furious at the steps Satyajita, Aishani and Kokila had taken with Kamalnayani being the street smart mastermind. Kosala, Dvaravati and Shakraprastha weren't too distant, and since they were mighty enough to back up Saurashtra, Prishati's father had been rendered mum when the wife of Kanha had refused to yield to his demands. Drupada, Shikhandini and Dhrishtadyumna endorsing her decisions from Panchala only consolidated KrishnāAnujā to her beliefs.

Joining forces with MagadhaNaresha and his orangutans.

It took Kamalnayani a lot of courage to finally enunciate a stern and stone cold 'NO!' to her grandfather, who had grown even more crimson in the face by the sheer display of intransigence from her end. AgniSutaa had been mad, mum and Raksh stood, straight up spitting vitriol about the Yadavas and YaduNandana. A hot argument had followed and then the duo had ceased amiable discourses. She had refused to approve of any peace negotiations or entreaties with Chedi and Anupa, after all that had ensued in a glade among mahogany woods to her and the debacle back during her consortium rituals.

"You are partial, and shallow and very much like the vicious flames that lick off every sign of life!" Matamaha bellowed at her face and she wasn't sure if that sound was of her knuckles cracking or her heart shattering in pieces at the malfeasance of one of her loved ones. Her features didn't crumple however, leaving her mother scared of the repercussions that had followed post this stress.

"Partial it is, for the virtuous and righteous alone." The serenity of her voice was simple and haunting enough to scare the living daylights out of the moles of the Kauravas and Shakuni who saw her as a threat who wouldn't ebb down at any costs. "Jarasandha isn't getting a single grain of dhanya from my state and that is final. Come what may, I am the mother of this state and will not assure the deracination of my children through the fruits of their own sweat and blood." And she stormed out of the place, afraid how her fury would materialise.

Sakha Drauni had to rush to Ahichatra when Drona's emissary ran into the court. He had volunteered to apparently play a low-key spy from her side to Hastinapura, just in case beloved Mamashree and his nephew along with his best friend seemed to pose a threat, joining hands with Jarasandha. No confidential information would be taken for granted, but the city of elephants were too precarious to be set loose.

Krishna's Hridayaa was halfly tensed that while MagadhaRaja was defeated by Yadavas and she too possessed the vehemence to defend her people, war and bloodshed was not something Saurashtra could afford greatly. The inner rivalry sparked between her and her Matamaha couldn't be out at any costs for their nemesis were no sparse in number. And that the pact with the king of gods was to be fulfilled, convincing Raksh to organise yagyas at the moment was more arduous. Hence, the Queen planned that with great show and pomp, the sacred rituals would be conducted with Maharshi Durvasa by her side when she would return from her 3 month sojourn at the city of gates.

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