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This started off as something, ended up becoming something else entirely, but I think I'm quite happy with the result. I sincerely hope you enjoy reading it.

I made a playlist of the songs that inspired me through it, feel free to listen to it as you read. Each chapter is named after a song, and all songs can be found in said playlist.


Cross posted on AO3:

She wonders, not for the first time, when it happened that those feelings of friendly affection turned into something much, much deeper. The fact is that Sugawara Koushi -her best friend since they were 5 years old and making mud cakes in the playground of their neighborhood- is just golden, in every single shape and form.

He illuminated every room he walked in with his warm presence and his calm yet teasing smile.

Or at least he does so in her eyes.

Perhaps it's always been like that, she was just too young to understand it.

It doesn't quite make a difference on the way they interact, though, and she's happy for it. But despite that contentedness, she longs for just a little bit more. To cross the faint line that they had both been dancing around for as long as she could remember. Now, though, there were other things happening around them that seemed to need more of their attention. She knew that whatever was going to happen between them would do so when they were both ready, and she was patient enough to wait a little longer, despite the tingling in her fingertips itching her to hold his hand.

"You know it's ok to be mad about that first year taking your place as the official setter for the team, right?" She said, looking at him out of the corner of her eyes as they walked together, slowly making their way back home.

He sighed, looking up at the darkening sky as the sun made its way down. "It's for the best" he said and despite the smile he was forcing into his face, she could tell there was a strain to his voice, "his technique is much better than mine and honestly if he and Hinata can get us to Nationals..."

"You're underestimating yourself once again" she said, both hurt and annoyed that her friend seemed to not realize how much of an asset he was to his team.

He gave her a half smile as they came to a stop in front of her house, "maybe," he shrugged, "but the longer we can make it the more games we'll get to play and I'll have my moments too"

She rolled her eyes at him but they both chuckled, trying to clear the slightly sad atmosphere. "You'll still be my favorite player" she said and she noticed how his cheeks blushed slightly and she smiled as she nudged him with her shoulder.

"Thank you" he said softly and they both fell into a comfortable silence as they stood in front of her door.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow on the way to school, you don't have morning practice, right?" she asked and he nodded.

"I'll pick you up" he smiled.

"Alright, goodnight Suga" she was about to go in and stopped with the door open, turning around and giving him a brief hug. After a second, Suga wrapped his arms around her and hugged his friend tightly.

"Goodnight" he whispered as they both let go and she finally walked inside her house.

He stands there for a minute longer, looking after her and trying to calm his racing heart. This wasn't a rare occurrence, she was very affectionate towards her friends and him being her oldest, closest friend, had been on the receiving end of a thousand gestures such as hugs. For some reason, though, lately those small things and brief touches had elicited a blush on his cheeks that he could barely control and his heart to jump up to his throat.

It was inevitable, he supposed, falling in love with her. She was there with him almost all his life; he could barely remember a time before her contagious laughter had made itself an everyday sound that he looked forward to hear as he woke up.

Sighing, he walked up the steps to his own house, saying a quick hello to his mother who was currently getting dinner ready before walking towards his room.

Leaving his school bag on his desk, his gaze briefly flew through the collage of photographs he had on top of his bed. Pictures with Asahi and Daichi from when they had first joined the volleyball team at Karasuno. With the team during their first and second years – they'd have to update the picture now with the new first years. His eyes lingered on a picture of him with her, a simple selfie that she had snapped without him being ready for it, her glowing smile at the front and him looking slightly confused behind her. As unflattering as it was, he couldn't help but treasure it – quite frankly he didn't really care about how he looked in the picture, his focus was more on her bright eyes and familiar, comforting smile.

He knew that no matter what happened with the volleyball team – or with the rest of his life- he could count on her to be there supporting him. All that did was increase his feelings, and despite him liking the way things were right now, he couldn't help but hope for more. He just didn't know if she'd want that and he wasn't a hundred percent sure of being ready to cross a line that could not be uncrossed.

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