Errands and Voices

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Leaning back in my chair I took a deep breath and looked at the clock, half past midnight. Turning back toward my desk overflowing with work documents, birthday party plans, the home desktop, and whatever else magically appeared on this bloody thing.  

The rains of early spring were finally passing, allowing more days to be blessed with bright blue skies and warmer nights like tonight. The end of the academic year was approaching as well as Lucy's seventh birthday and her gymnastics final performance, which meant the end of May is going to be a shit show... but in a good way!

As long as Mista J stays away...

He doesn't even know where we are!

And we don't know where he is... 

The voices have gotten increasingly worse since the incident a few months ago. With the Joker missing and Patrica Mattson, the two-bit psychiatrist that replaced me, being found locked in an abandoned house with no memories of how she arrived there, my nerves have been shot. To make matters worse, my medication is no longer as effective as it once was and I refuse to up my dosage for Lucy's sake. I refuse to be a doped-up, absent mother just to drown out a few voices inside my head. 

Drowning them was simply, just singing or talking louder than them. Lucy quite enjoys this new development, the singing part that is. So much so that I've received a few notes from her teachers about her randomly singing during class. 

I theorize that part of my downward spiral has something to do with Selena and Ivy not being able to make it for this past holiday season. Between the two of them, Lucy and I don't spend any holidays alone. However, since all of us have been increasingly busy with our own lives, it's been more difficult than ever for our schedules to line up. This year we ended up celebrating the holiday season with Mrs. Koffle and boy, does that woman know how to drink. 

Medovukha I believe is what she called it, a honey and herb alcoholic drink with candied berries or something like that. After dinner, exchanging presents, and tucking Lucy into bed I don't remember anything thing else that happened that night. Mrs. Koffle, who ended up having to spend the night, teased me all the next morning for having a hangover. However, I did find some of the cutest photos of the three of us on my phone that next morning. 

You like the attention, you're sick

A sicko, just like him...

"Break time!" I announced to silence the voices, though I ended up holding my breath to make sure Lucy did not awake. After a moment of silence, I proceeded to the kitchen and grabbed the bag of Walker's Crisps and the last few Jammie Dodgers before plopping down in front of the T.V. Luckily, there were reruns of Absolutely Fabulous on to keep me company for the night.

After ensuring that Lucy was safely inside of her primary school, I began running my errands. The London Balloon Shop was first, in search of the perfect arrangement of balloons to represent Lucy's new favorite show; Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. Once that is completed, I headed to work for a few hours.

A few hours of observations, two sessions, and some more paperwork. There is always so much paperwork. 

The last two hours before needing to pick up Lucy I made a quick trip to Violet's Cakes to place her birthday cake order. This did take longer than I expected due to me forgetting to mention that Lucy's lactose intolerant, something she has developed in the last year. However, I still had enough time to swing by the alterations shop to pick up Lucy's dance recital costume for next week. 

By the time I arrive at Knightington Primary, a string of voices had collected in my head describing what I'd witness happen to Jason on repeat while I attempted to sing along to whatever music came on the BCC radio. From the look on a teacher's face, I could tell that I had taken the last turn a little too sharp and turned my radio down. Before getting out I attempted to smooth out my skirt and hair. I may be crazy but I can at least attempt to not look it. 

Lucy was standing on her tiptoes, excitingly rambling to her teacher. Her love of Sarah and Duck was slowly fading into a love of Kipo, my soon-to-be seven-year-old was really growing up on me. She didn't notice me walking up at first, she was too busy retelling a recent book she had finished, but when she did her eyes lit up and my heart melted. This is something that always drives the voices away without failure. 

"Mummy!" She bounced over, wrapped her arms around my waist, "We made caterpillars in class today, out of cotton balls." 

"No way!" I pinched her nose. 

"Mrs. Quinzel?" The teacher who I hadn't seen before waved at me from a distance, "May I have a word?"

"Uh, sure. Lucy, why don't you go play on the playground for a hot second, mum's got some business." After planting a kiss on her head and taking her bookbag, she ran off to play with the remaining few kids still waiting on their parents. "It's Ms. by the way, I'm not married."

"So I've heard." The comment was unnecessary and I found myself thinking back to the last time I received a comment that was useless. However, I swallowed that thought quickly before headed in her direction.

"What can I do for ya?" 

"None of the other instructors desire to say anything but I am not afraid too." She straightened her back and, at this moment, was the first time I really looked at her. An older woman with greying hair that was tied in a tight bun, her dress was rather plain and shapeless, while her face was a mixture of wrinkles, blue eyeshadow, and nude lipstick. To top it off, she smelt like a cigarette and floral bathroom popery. 

Crossing my arms, I tilted my head in her direction. "And, what is it that you're not afraid to say then?" 

Our eyes met for a moment before she cleared her throat, "I know who you really are. And, I have an inking suspicion who Lucy's father really is." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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