Trial and error

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"Welcome home, Lucia May Quinzel!" I held the baby above my head as I walked in the door. Pam and Ali were standing in the kitchen and rushed over towards me.
"Harley don't hold her like that!"
I pulled her down, "She's fine!" I scolded, Ivy and Cat walked in after me, carrying diaper bags and the new stroller. They were just as tired as I was.
There was pink strings hung around the living room, entree room, kitchen and dinning room, as well as pink balloons and the counters and tables were decorated with baby confetti. Baby bottles were set up on the kitchen counter, already made, and freshly made food was in the stove for me. The entire house smelt and felt extremely clean.
"Harley you must support her neck." Cat muttered as she looked over Lucy, Ivy placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled. She was also the one that was more emotionally supportive while Cat cared in a different way.
"Let us watch Lucy, you go lay down, fourteen hours of labor is a lot for our little Harls." Ivy curled Lucy up in her arms and I was sent to my room.
I hopped in the shower, remembering the remark I got about my red and black hair, and realized I no longer carried a small human inside of me. Then I started thinking about being able to fly through air again and preform cartwheels in our back yard. And then the image of little Lucy doing cartwheels with me.
When I got out I could hear Lucy crying, and a feeling sprouted in the pit of my stomach, what is this feeling inside of me? Like an urge? Am I hungry? Maybe a little sick?
Lucy screamed.
I walked down stairs and peeked around the corner of the stairs.
Ivy was sitting in the kitchen with Cat on the counter, Ali and Pam were still here, they had put Lucy in a pink onesie. It was a little big so the rolled up her sleeves, she's so tiny and fragile.
"God, she has the same exact eyes as Jack, that eerie green." Ivy mentioned, who ironically also had green eyes, Ali reached out for Lucy, Ali had won ms. Rollerblade two years in a row.
"Jack?" She bounced Lucy.
"Her father," Cat answers, she was stretched out lazily, fiddling with her crop top, "But she has Harley's blonde hair."
"Where is Jack?" Pam asked, why'd she stick her finger in Lucy's mouth? She has no teeth!
"He was abusive and it took everything for us to convince Harley to leave him. He's back in the States." Ivy said twisting a piece of her hair, "He was insane."
"Certified insane." Cat laughed, "Lucy will be safe here away from him though." Her eyes met Ivy's in a silent agreement, no longer lazily eyed.
"So will Harley." Ivy said, who had pulled her long red hair into a pony tail, "I'm just worried when we leave, Harley will try to get back together with him."
Pam and Ali looked at each other, I wonder when they'll let me roller blade, and nodded.
"We'll be here to keep her and the baby safe." Pam said, her short curls bouncing, "No one is hurting this sweet baby or our friend."
"I'll kick their ass," Ali covered her mouth, her lips were painted a deep burgundy color, "I mean butt. Sorry Lucy."
I wandered back upstairs, my mind leading towards Mista J, sweet Mista J, I missed him. His green hair that was always a mess while he was planting bombs, or his gloved hands wrapped around my wrist moving me so I wouldn't get ran over, or his pale face when he'd smile at me. My heart ached.
Lucy cried again.
The feeling is back again.
I walked back down stairs, this time into the kitchen and grabbed Lucy, the feeling subsided. None of the girls said anything or did anything as I held her. She snuggled into my big t shirt with a little whimper.
"Mothers instinct." Cat cooed. "How sweet."

Four days later Cat and Ivy left and I had my first night alone with Lucy. I had begun to work on my acrobats again and with Lucy needing constant attention it was becoming difficult. During the night she would wake up every thirty minutes to an hour, cry and cry, I called Ali and Pam so much that I thought they'd hate me. But they were patience with me, Pam had a eight year old son and a five year old daughter, she would talk me through steps on how to take care of Lucy and make sure she had all of what she needed. Ali was younger than Pam, around my age, and didn't have any children. But had three younger siblings that she took care of when she was in school.
Ali also would go with me to the gym when I could escape and lose the baby fat, and Pam would care for Lucy, and soon we scheduled my first roller derby.
Lucy was three months now, attending her first roller derby, they were many pictures taken, some were in the arms of Ali, and Pam's two kids, Charlie and Janet. Pam and I were in the rink, I wearing my usual red and black suit, feeling good to be in it once again, and Pam in a pair of jeans and a leather jacket with chains.
We were an unstoppable force racing down the rink, knocking girls out left and right, pulling all sorts of tricks out of my old bag of tricks. The bloody noses, bruises and yelling gave me the old rush I missed from the days of crime, but I have Lucy now.

Lucy was cry again, I turned towards the clock, 3:37, wow she's up early. Or late? I got up and made my way to her room, " What is it Lucluc?" I picked her up and just like the little devil she is, she spit all down my back.
I couldn't help but laugh, why not, Cat always said motherhood wasn't pretty. After calming her down and picking out a new onesie, since the other one was covered in throw up, I laid her down for a diaper change. Her bright green eyes stared straight up at me, surprisingly calm, and my heart ached. My Puddin' had the same color eyes as Lucy did.
I took a step back away from her, in nothing but her diaper, she was pale, even for a baby. With bright green eyes and golden yellow hair, she gave me a laugh, something that sounded oddly similar to what Puddin's laugh sounded like. But it wasn't. It was Lucy's laugh and she wasn't Mista J.

"Selena," She was going on and on again about the dogs in the apartment bellow hers again, "Selena!"
"What is it?" Her voice snapped, I know it wasn't towards me, she has been dealing with those dogs for too long.
"Lucy just woke up from her nap, I have to go check on her," Lucy was crying in the sunroom, which was where her day bed was.
"Well, go,"
I walked into the sunroom after setting the phone down, and suddenly everything was silent, I peeked in the crib. Lucy was just staring up at me, I stuck my tongue out at her and she smiled, walking back to the kitchen and grabbing the phone, I turned and faced Lucy's crib.
"She's fine, she smiled at me,"
"She's a good baby, isn't she?" Selena sounded more calm now, I assume she was sitting in her living room drinking some wine.
"She loves the day crib aunt Selena got her," I giggled a little, Selena was going on and on about her job, and what a hunk her new assistant manager is, and about how much she could pawn his watch for.
As she was talking I kept my eyes on Lucy's day crib. Lucy was messing around with some rattle when I noticed a small box under her crib, and then my breath caught in my throat.
"Harls? What is it kitten?" Cat's voice hitched on the other side of the phone, but I said nothing, I couldn't.
I inched over to the other side of the sunroom, towards Lucy's crib, and as I stepped closer I realized what I saw was true.
There was a deck of cards laying under her crib.

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