Chapter 2: Humanity's Comeback Part 2

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The weather ended up having heavy rain and the trainees were forced to run through the forest with their gear on along with a green cloak over them to keep each and every one of them from getting wet from the rain.

"Pick up the pace!" Shadis yells.

Everyone ran in a group whole holding their bags on their backs, Armin on the other hand was lagging behind a bit Reiner noticed and offered to help him but in the end, Armin decided to do it all on his own. Unknown to them Shadis saw this and spoke briefly about Reiner more to himself that is.

The next day it was bright out and thus began the fake titan kill training, each member of the trainees was introduced by Shadis himself as he has given off his own impressions of them one by one until it came up to Ayane.

Ayane held her blades in a way no one really saw anyone hold it, but Shadis did and he grew a bit annoyed by this as he reprimanded her on it telling her to hold it the proper way like everyone else has been doing so.

"All I have to do is slice the titan's neck, right? I'll do it my own way." Ayane tells him as if she was bored.

'Ayane, built like a true solider. she gives off the impression she has been taught or self-taught on many things, her use for the ODM gear is completely different from the others but it works for her. She lacks in the friendly department but in time I think she'll open up.' Shadis thought as he evaluated everyone and their abilities.

Hours later everyone was now training with hand-to-hand combat, Eren previously was fighting with Reiner but later was paired up with Ayane. She quickly put him on his back but used her foot to cushion his fall so he didn't hit his head.

Making sure he was able to get up on his own she let go of his arm and stepped back, she ignored the shocked and amazed stares around them. Eren on the other hand was in the same boat but when his green eyes met her blue ones he wondered if she would teach him such a quick take-down move like that.

"That was the fastest takedown I've seen..." One whispered.
"Just how skilled is she?" Another whispered as well.

Ayane rolled her eyes and huffed at the chatter about the sparring match she had with Eren just now, feeling eyes glaring at her she turned her gaze away from Eren to see it was of course Mikasa, though Ayane just gave her a bored look until Eren spoke up.

"How did you do that?" Eren asked standing up to his feet.
"What do you mean?" Ayane asked.
"You beat me so easy...and didn't even give off any impression you were attacking!" Eren says.
"I've been trained since I was 8 years old," Ayane replies.

They continued to train together and each time Ayane seemed to be bored with how she was easily winning, though she did end up telling Eren to smarten the hell up if he wishes to be scored a spot in the top ten and have a shot at the Survey Corps.

"If you wish to join the scouts you'll have to learn to quickly adapt. Get yourself into the top ten or your little dream of joining the scouts is finished." Ayane starts off.
"It's not a dream! I will join them!" Eren shouts.
"Not with how you're doing now. Are you really sure you want me to teach you that move?" Ayane asked.
"Yes!" Eren replies.
"Will you leave me alone after this?" Ayane asked.
"Yeah," Eren tells.
"Little tip, everyone here isn't honing their skills to fight. They're here to run from the titans which are why half of them will go suck up to the king." Ayane scoffs.
"Well, I'm not! I'm here to fight!" Eren shouts.

Ayane huffed again but offered him a hand, helping him back up she stood beside him and taught him the stance first then slowly acted it out while explaining each movement and giving examples of what to look out for as well as a bit on how to read the movements of the other to perfectly time the takedown move.

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