Chapter 8: Idol - Struggle For Trost Part 6

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"I'll do it! I don't know if I can but...I swear." Eren tells him.
"Excellently said you have the heart of a lion," Pixis tells Eren.

Armin was shocked that this plan of his was actually being pushed out, Eren thought the same but Ayane interjected that Commander Pixis would always listen to anyone's ideas and always pick the best one that had a better outcome for humanity sake.

"The old geezer is known for going through with plans that would seem to have the best outcome, so it's no surprise for me he's considering your plan Armin," Ayane explains.
"Look, sharp soldiers! The fate of mankind rests on your shoulders." Pixis tells the four of them.

'This is it...if Armin's plan falls through humanity will have finally won its first battle with the titans since the beginning of times.' Ayane thought.

When the plan was told to everyone else to retake Trost then and there it wasn't a surprise that people were not going to ever believe that they could do it, others even scoffed at the mere idea stating that the higher-ups were just idiots and complete fools for suggesting it.

The faith humanity had was nowhere to be seen and it desperately needed to be brought back.

Pixis had asked Eren and Ayane to follow him as he explained about what it had been thought for titans as well as everything else humanity has been through for years. Ayane on the other hand already knew this since growing up she had been relentlessly studying to become a good soldier and wanted to learn lots of the history of not just humanity but the walls as well.

"Oh by the way my dear, when will you be calling me gramps again hm?" Pixis asked grinning a bit.
"Jeez old man if you have time to tease me about stuff like this you surely have the time to focus on your job as a Commander," Ayane replied looking to the side embarrassed.
"Haha! You never stop making me so proud. But your right first we'll focus on the task at hand...then you can call me gramps again." Pixis teases somemore.
"Good grief old man stop it!" Ayane shouts.

Pixis just laughs as they reached where other Garrison soldiers were up on the wall, Eren on the other hand secretly smiled and let out small but silent laughter before quickly covering it up so he wasn't caught by Ayane.

'Her family in the military is actually bigger than she lets on huh?' Eren thought.

That's when Hanns noticed Eren, Eren on the other hand silently told him to get back to work. Rolling his eyes he then noticed the girl beside him who had a stoic expression on as she spoke with the Commander.

'That must be she's the one Eren spoke of, wait isn't she like a grand-daughter to the Commander? No wonder why she's able to speak freely to the man without repercussions judging with how many times she scolds him for drinking...' Hanns thought.

He chuckled when he saw her once again scold Pixis for pulling out his canteen of booze once more, only to get a burst of loud laughter from him, and a wave of his hand. Ayane ended up having an annoyed expression and Eren just smiled at the two as he watched Ayane converse with more of her family so freely.

"Care for a swing?" Pixis asked Eren.
"Uhh yes sir," Eren said.
"Oi! There's booze in that! Old man stop offering it to other soldiers! Besides he's only 15!!" Ayane shouts.
"Come on how bad could it be?" Eren asked.
"You idiot..." Ayane sighed.

Eren took a sip but ended up spitting it out, Ayane rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest telling him next time to listen to her when she'd warn him about it. With a sigh, she grabbed the canteen from Eren's hands and closed it up before handing it back to Pixis.

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