Chapter 70: Savagery

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The table was silent other than the faint sound of the large clock and the scared gasps that escaped Gabi's mouth, all of their hands were on the tables as the palm of Eren's hand continued to bleed from the wound he had inflicted a few minutes ago.

"I just want to talk to you. More conflict isn't necessary to solve Elida's problems. Hange and the others are fine, we're just relocating them. And Ayane will meet up with Captain Levi for a quick chat...father to daughter." Eren explains.
"Eren, Mikasa and I have been wanting to talk to you too. What were you and Ayane thinking to attack Marley on your own? Why do all this? Did Zeke and Yelena really win you two over to their side?" Armin asked.
"I'm free, Armin. And so is Ayane. Every single thing that Ayane and I have done we decided to do, our actions are governed by our own free will." Eren explained after a moment but still not looking at them.
"So even if you two secretly met up with Yelena, your still saying this was all you? And Ayane?" Armin asked.
"Yes," Eren replied.
"No way! You're being manipulated! The Eren I know would never involve civilians and children in a war even if they were enemies, and on top of that Ayane would rather die to ever allow Carla to be exposed to such tragedy. And you wouldn't put us at risk either! You care about us more than anyone! Even Ayane has opened up to us and loves us just as much! Isn't that right? You rescued me from those kidnappers in the cabin! And wrapping this scarf around me because you're a kind person! And Ayane sees me like a sister because she is kind too." Mikasa started trying to reason with him.
"I said to keep your hands on the table, Mikasa." Eren spat back.

For a split moment no one talked as Mikasa sat back down on her chair, she didn't want to believe that Eren and Ayane had fallen so far off. No, it was impossible the two were either being threatened or manipulated to the point where it pushed them to go this far...after all, Ayane was making such great progress in letting others who weren't of their squad in but now she was like how she used to be cold and locked up.

"Back in Liebrio I spoke with Zeke brother to brother, learned a lot of things from him. Honestly, it seems like he knows more about how titans work than Marley does. Armin, what do you think it is that drove you to start visiting Annie? Do you really believe it's your own free will?" Eren asked.
"Huh? What? I don't..." Armin stuttered.
"If memories play a role in shaping who we are then part of you has become Bertholt. Within you is an enemy who has feelings for another enemy, understand? Bertholt has gotten into your head, you're the one being manipulated by the enemy." Eren told him glaring at his friend.
"Hey! Why would you-" Mikasa started but got interrupted.
"You are being controlled too. The Ackerman Clan was designed to be perfect for the task of protecting Elidans King just as much as the Okumura's were for his armies. Your Ackerman instincts were dormant until that life or death situation you heard me order you to fight. The strenght and certainty at that moment were awakened, just like how Ayane's powers were activated when I used the Founding Titan, hence your protective nature to her as well. Because your blood mistook me for the one you were made to protect, and for Ayane's case mistook her for the one you were supposed to work alongside." Eren explained.

It was apparent that the Okumura Clan were always soldiers and it ran through their blood, their amazing powers that connected them to the power of all nine titans resulted in them working alongside the Ackermans to serve Elida's King and keep his armies at the top...but with their short life span became a problem however with the fact that they were able to have children young proved for better and possibly even stronger future users of the Okumura powers.

Right now Ayane was the last but nearly more powerful one though it would come with a high price but neither Eren nor Ayane would reveal that just yet.

"That can't be..." Mikasa muttered.
"It can't? Why not?" Eren asked.
"It wasn't...a mistake. It's because it was you, it had to be you. You are why I became strong! How could that be a mistake?" Mikasa asked.
"As an Ackerman with awakened powers, you are apparently supposed to get headaches pretty frequently. The research said this is the act of an Ackerman's true self trying to resist to protect their host. Sound familiar?" Eren explained.
"You're wrong..." Mikasa replied slowly.
"What I'm saying is..." Eren started.
"No...I..." Mikasa tried again.
"You belong to a clan to protect and obey at the cost of losing their true selves. In other words slaves." Eren finished.
"Stop! Leave her alone!" Armin shouted at him.
"Do you want to know what I hate more than anything else in this world? Anyone who isn't free, there no better than cattle." Eren continued.
"Eren!!" Armin warned.
"The mere sight of you always made me so damn angry, now I finally know why. I just couldn't stand to look at a slave with no mind of her own. Who always followed orders without question. Believe me when I say this Mikasa, ever since I was a kid...I've hated you." Eren tells her.

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