why it's important to learn how to say no

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Hello everyone! I hope you're all well. Today I have a slightly different topic for you all that is close to my heart and I think it's important to share and spread the word about how important it is as a woman (or man) to learn the importance of being able to say no. 

As a people pleaser I often strive to make others happy and please others which ultimately results in me not using the word no very often. I never want to disappoint or let someone down so sometimes i'll find myself agreeing to things that I don't want to do or i'm not comfortable doing. This isn't a good habit to have. Not being able to say no has got me into difficult situations in the past and has ended with me being hurt because I didn't have the courage to let someone down and do what was best for me! 

Since i've got older and learnt more about the world i've realised how important it is to consider your health and well being in all situations! If someone is asking you to do something that you are not comfortable with or don't want to do please don't be afraid to say no. If you're a people pleaser like me, trust me, I know how hard this can be. The fear of letting people down, coming across as rude or worrying about what the consequences of saying no will be are all thoughts that will probably pop into your head but push them aside and think about how it will effect you if you don't say no. I can guarantee the consequence would be worse. 

Start saying no to more things and see how it changes your life. Say no to the events you don't want to go to, say no to someone who always gets their own way and most importantly say no when people put you in uncomfortable, life threatening or dangerous situation. 

If my younger self had the chance to read this chapter I think it would've prevented me from being put in situations where I was hurt, I wish I had learnt the importance of saying no sooner in life. So please listen to this chapter and take it on board! Imagine me as your big sister that is giving you advice and listen to it :) 

Stay safe, love you all 

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