sleep better, wake up easier

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It can be such a struggle to get up in the morning so here are some tips and hacks to help you be able to wake up and get up better:

1. Put your alarm clock/phone on the other side of the room so you have to get up to stop it from making a noise. 

2. Wear comfy pjs to bed to have a better night sleep.

3. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up to refresh your body. Remember your body needs it because it has gone hours without it.

4. Create a night and morning routine so you know what you have to do before bed or when you have gotten up. I have a routine and it helps me to get up in the morning.

5. Make your room as dark as possible to sleep so you can guarantee a good night sleep.

6. Try to avoid caffeine before bed so that you don't feel energised and want to stay up later than you should.

7. Have a bedtime and waking up time. This will not only help you to get a better sleep but it will help your body to have a routine and respond better.

8. Avoid going on your phone before bed. If you must then remember to turn the brightness down and put night mode on.

9. Listen to calm instead of hype music before bed. No lyrics is best.

10. Be happy with your room temperature. Make sure it's not too hot or cold and base your pjs off of how you are feeling. 

11. Try not to eat before bed to avoid weight gain. 

I hope these hacks have helped you to improve your sleep and refuel and getting up in the morning instead of struggling to be motivated. 


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