wish your enemies well

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I know what you might be thinking, why would i wish my enemies well? are you crazy? well what if i told you wishing your enemies will actually benefit you! For so many years i have struggled with having resentment to certain people for different things they have done to me whether that be recently or years and years ago. I have always struggled to let go of that resentment (and don't get me wrong i still do to a certain extent) but this year i learnt a few things that changed my mindset and the way i was thinking.

It's as simple as this: What you put out into the universe is what you get back, basically karma. We all know what it is but have you ever thought about it in the way of how it can effect yourself? So lets say someone from your high school has done something to hurt you. They've done something bad so karma will catch up to them eventually, we understand that but then there's you. If you are sat stewing on the situation and all you can think about is how bad they hurt you and you have this hatred towards them about what they have done and possibly you start sending bad thoughts towards them, such as hoping something similar will happen to them, you are then putting out a negative emotion that will come back round to you. You do not have to like this person but you can send love and forgiveness their way even if you truly don't want to. Sending love is so much easier than hatred and it benefits everyone. This can all be done mentally without having to actually speak to them again. Take some time to accept the situation, accept your emotions and send them some positive thoughts and move on. Know that the universe will reward you for this by sending love your way. This could even be in a form of apology from this certain person or could just be in a different way completely nothing to do with them. Regardless you will always be rewarded for choosing love over hatred. 

The only person you hurt by hating someone and wishing bad on them, is yourself! That person can't hear your thoughts and thinking these things doesn't even do anything to them, so the only person you are actually hurting is yourself because you are stuck in a negative mindset about this situation and you are wasting time feeling down.

So next time think about the weight your emotions and thoughts have and how they could be affecting you more than the actual person or problem is. Thoughts have weight and life is hard enough without having to carry extra baggage around.

Stay peaceful my lovelies :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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