Chapter Five: New Beginning.

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It had been one week since that phone call with Priscilla and it was finally time for Micheal's leave. He was woken up pretty early, Phill wanted him out by the time it was 6. So time went by, Micheal was forced to shower, eat his last crappy meal and get dressed into more presentable clothing. Micheal looked himself in the Mirror moving his tie around, he wore a grey suit with a dark ocean blue tie and black dress shoes. These clothes were sent to him by the McCoy family themself, they probably were ashamed of having him as a detective, but Micheal didn't care, they re-think it when they get to know him. if they do, of course, Micheal reached to the side grabbing his sunglasses, putting on them on before grabbing his small bag turning to the bitter Phill, who was quite annoyed at how spoiled Micheal was becoming, over a single 2hours.

Phill put Micheal back in his handcuffs dragging him away, as Phill dragged him. Micheal would nod and say hello to everyone who passed him, "Why hello-" Phill then smacked him, "Get Moving Johnson, I have no time for your behavior."

Micheal shrugged his shoulders, walking along with Phill, once they got to the prison gates Phill left him, taking the handcuffs off while waiting for the gates to open, on the other side was another guard, but this one wasn't from the prison. Micheal cursed, as this other guard walked towards Micheal, grabbing him by the shoulders, dragging him off.

Micheal looked at him, noticing the name tag. Joseph Roberts was his name, Gavin was 31; he was tall 6'7" and had a "Baby-soft" ebony complexion, he was buff. Very fit and was bigger than Phill, he had forest green eyes and shaved head. He pretty much looked like Cobra Bubbles from Lilo and stitch, though he didn't wear the cool shades.

Joseph pushed Micheal forward, the prison gates closing behind them. Micheal looked forward to see a jet-black car ahead of them, he looked back at Joseph. "So none of the McCoy's came, what a shame," he mumbled, Joseph just remained silent. "Not much of a talker are you," Micheal shrugged, kinda annoyed that even though he was out of jail, he still needed a guard. I better be getting paid extra for this, Micheal thought as Joseph pushed him into the back seat before making his merry way to the front passenger seat. Sitting in the front driver's seat was an unknown lady, who turned around to face Micheal. Micheal furrowed a brow at her, noticing the small resemblance to Priscilla.

"I'm Jacqueline," she reached her hand back to shake Micheal's, Micheal looked at her hand then back to her face.

"Oh, you must be the youngest daughter of the McCoy's, interesting they sent you." he scanned her. Interesting, he thought to himself, unsure of why they'd send their Youngest daughter to pick me up and not someone else. To him this was odd.

"Yeah, I wanted to come," Jacqueline said simply, glancing at Joseph. "Of course I wasn't allowed to come alone," she shrugged.

"It was for your safety," Joseph finally said, crossing his arms. "Your father wouldn't have allowed you to come alone, too dangerous."

"HA!" Jacqueline laughed, "I could take him if things went sour,"

Micheal sat straight, kinda insulted. "I'd like to point this out, I am stronger than you think."

"Sure," She smiled, glancing back to Joseph who turned back to look at Micheal, "You will be staying at the guest house, you are not allowed to leave it without a guard with you, while you are gone "investigating" John Harding's murder, I will be attending you-"

"Along with Prissie, she wants to come with." Jacqueline chimed in.

Micheal exhaled, looking out the window there goes my freedom. He stared out the window as the tree's passed him by, listening to Joseph continue to jabber on about the rules and if he disobeyed one, back to jail he'd go spending the rest of his years there.

"Well the rest of your serving years of course," Jacqueline said, still focused on the road, "depending on what you do."

Micheal nodded, "isn't this too strict?"

"No, I don't think it is." Joseph looked back at Micheal, "You need to understand, no one trusts you right now. You'll have to earn our respect and trust." Jacqueline nodded with agreement.

Micheal just shrugged, What am I getting himself into...


Hello Hello! thank you for reading this chapter of The best assassin, I might start posting more chapters every now and then so I might post another one tmr, who knows :P- anyways I hope you enjoyed this one, if you did please consider voting and commenting. How do you think of this story so far and what do you think would happen next? :) have a wonderful week y'all Bye!

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