Chapter Nineteen

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It had been a long day of Reading files and finding more suspects, finally, the day was about through. Micheal felt relieved, finally some relaxation. He originally planned to have dinner with the McCoy family since Jennifer insisted but he decided against it after a while. He just wanted to have a nice relaxing night, with no more talk of this case... bit of course that didn't last long, Micheal walked up the stairs to his bedroom- or the room he was staying in- he was about to lay in the bed when he noticed some papers on John's desk. Ones that hadn't been there before, he frowned walking towards the papers, it was clear someone had left them here. Either on accident or on purpose, either way, he was going to read them. He grabbed the papers, reading who they were for. Of course, they had to be for John, from some unknown people and a few even from Victor. It was funny how Victor kept finding himself involved in this case. He was indeed the main suspect of the murder, but of course who was the second guy? Britney said there were two guys and other suspects even said there were two guys. So who was the second guy? And why did he kill John? Micheal grabbed one of the first letters, reading it.

For, John Harding.

From, Mr. Harding-Dawson.

Who was Mr. Harding-Dawson? Was he related to John? Micheal wondered reading the letter, It has been a month John and you still haven't come back. If you think leaving our business will help you any, it will not. Do not trust Victor Edwards, he is a liar and you know that. He betrayed us all, he betrayed you for crying out loud. What makes you think he is a good person?

Well, Victor, I see you found yourself in this letter as well, Micheal shook his head. But what did he mean by he betrayed us all? Did he betray you? What did Victor do? And why did John still hang around him? Unless... Micheal continued to read the letter. Wanting to get to the bottom of this, if you ever want to re-join our group you can. But there will be rules, not all of us will trust you... please John just leaves Victor and come back to us. You'll be safer here, we promise.

We? Micheal wondered why Mr. Harding-Dawson kept saying we? What was this group even? Micheal went to the next letter which was from Victor to John.

John, whatever that rat says. Don't believe him, we all know I am the innocent one here. Plus what I did to your family was well-deserved, they left you to die John. no one should do that to you... no one. Stay safe my friend and please never speak to him ever again.

The letter almost seemed like a response to something, this made Micheal wonder what John said to Victor, he grabbed the next letter which also was from Victor.

I told you, He lies. What a rat. Micheal, you know Owen is a manipulating liar! You are smarter than this. And don't tell me what to do, I am coming over John, we will talk about this. I'm serious.

This sounded like a threat or came off as so. There was something about what Victor said that sounded so threatening. Micheal grabbed the next letter, which was half burnt. Micheal read what he could, John... I heard what happened, and I just want to say what you did was very stupid! You must leave the ___ Micheal looked at the inked-out spot, almost like someone didn't want him to figure it out, leave them! You're going to get hurt! You're going to get everyone killed! John, do you even care about their lives? Answer me on that one, do you even care? Have you become as cold as he was? Please John I don't want to be apart of this anymore. Please never talk to me again until you change.

By, Owen Harding-Dawson.

Micheal looked at this, wide-eyed. He looked down at the P.S which was pretty much burnt. Micheal looked towards a small fireplace, someone must have recently burnt this part of the letter. Micheal frowned, grabbing all the letters and putting them in the file. He needed to show Jacqueline this. She got a random letter for John, so maybe she could show him this letter. Since she had not... but wait, Micheal frowned, John had taken the letter from her so. He glanced around the room, all the letters and proof he needed were within these walls all he had to do was find them. Micheal began to search through the desk, which as he expected had more letters envelopes, pencils, notebooks, and pretty much everything you'd expect to be on a desk. Micheal took out the letters putting them on top of the desk as he scrolled through the filled notebooks, a bunch of names and sentences filled it, but it was clear some pages were ripped off. Micheal pursed his lips together, He had a feeling John had some sort of deep dark secret that he wasn't supposed to figure out. But he knew he'd find out what it was anyway, he was determined to. If it was the last thing he'd do...

The Best Detective. (On hold) (going to be re-written)Where stories live. Discover now