Diane is not sick anymore!

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"I think you have to go in. I don't think I can take it." Lauren said. They were sitting in the car outside the vet. Diane was cuddled in on Joey's lap. 

"Lauren. She need's you! She cant do this alone, without you. And we don't know if she is getting worse. She could be getting better!" Joey said. He insisted on getting Lauren to come in on the vet appointment. Diane needed her, he just knew it.

"Fine, but if I run out crying don't follow me." She said. They walked in. Diane was sitting in her bad, that was strapped to Joey. It was like she was a little baby, and she was their little baby. 

"Hello! How is she?" The vet asked them.

"She is getting better, I think. She is a little more herself now, so I think that is a good sign." Joey said. It looked like he was gonna do the talking, because Lauren stood almost behind him, burring her head in his jacket.

"That's amazing! I think we will check her lungs and see if its all clean. Does that sound good?" The vet said, smiling at Joey and looking at Lauren with passion in his eyes. Joey smiling back, nodded his head.

"Perfect. I will take her with me and we will be back in 5 minutes or less!" He said, smiling and taking Diane with him.

"Do you think she will be fine?" Lauren said, lifting her head from his shoulder. Her eyes were stained with tears.

"I don't know Lo. I cant tell you anything for sure, but she has improved, so if you need a yes or no, its a yes." Joey said. He didn't like how he didn't have a real answer for her.

"Hi guys! So, I have some bad news and some good news for you." The doctor said when he came out with a happy Diane.

"Can we get the good news first please?" Joey said, looking at Lauren with a warm smile.

"Of course. It looks like her lungs are as healthy as they should be!" He said. Laurens eyes looked up. Tears dripped down her cheek. They were happy tears.  

"What's the bad news?" Lauren said. She didn't need bad news. Happy news were fine. She didn't wanna know the bad news, but she had to, for Diane.

"Well. All I can say is that your little bean is too cute! She is so cute that it could be dangerous!" He said laughing. Lauren and Joey joined him. Diane was healthy and they could take her home!


Yay! We love Diane, and if you don't, get away from me! Hope you liked it. Vote and comment if you did. Or don't. 

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