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"Okay, now you're just pulling my leg and being cocky." I shook my head with a scoff, standing from the bed.

"Oh yeah, then walk out of the room." He said, like it was a challenge.

"Fine." I shrugged, knowing he was going to be wrong. I walked over to the door and opened it, stepping out. I sucked in a breath when my shoulder started pulsing lightly.

I turned to him, my eyes wide. What is going on? What is happening? I stepped back into the room and dropped onto the bed. I stared at the fabric of the bed, mouth gaping as I tried to comprehend what this meant.

"Ryleigh, there's something you should know." He whispered, breaking me out of my trance. I turned back to him and noticed how fast his breathing was. He fidgeted with his hands and I could tell he was nervous.

I don't think I'd ever seen him so anxious before. What could possibly be so bad that he's this uneasy?

"In order for you to understand... everything, then there's something I need to show you." He said and I shook my head.

"No, last time you showed me something, I ended up in huge amounts of pain." I shook my head, backing away.

"Well," He drawled and my eyes went wide.

"No, Remington!" I yelled and he shook his head quickly.

"No, I mean, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. I just don't know how you'll feel about me afterwards." He said and I sighed. After all that he'd done up to this point, I still couldn't hate him. I was still enamored but his looks. I was still entranced by his touch. I still melted at the sound of his voice. I physically could not resist him, even though I wanted to.

He grabbed a pair of sweats from a drawer and tossed them at me. I looked at them in my hands for a second.

"What are these for?" I asked and he glared at me. I looked down, suddenly aware I wasn't wearing any pants.

"You're not leaving this room without them. Nobody gets to see you like this but me." He grumbled and I rolled my eyes. I pulled them on and looked back up at him.

"Happy?" I sighed and he nodded, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the house. I couldn't help but smile when his warm hand enveloped mine, igniting sparks in me.

We were right outside the back door now. He let go of my hand and I frowned, instantly wanting it back. He turned away from me and stepped forward a bit.

"Just," He daughter, pausing. "Please don't be scared. I would never hurt you."

"You realize my body literally convulsed because of you, right?" I asked and he shook his head immediately.

"No, that's because you left me. I didn't know you were going to do that. I didn't know it would hurt you that much. It's different with you. I don't know anything about how this works!" He started to yell, getting frustrated.

"How what works, Remington?" I asked and his face softened. He looked so worried right now.

He stepped a few paces again and turned his back to me. I took a deep breath, waiting for what was to come.

Then, I heard a twig snap. No, not a twig. I watched as his body snapped and contorted. I let out a blood curdling scream, my heart hurting at watching him in pain

"Remington!" I screamed, running towards him as I heard his bones snapping. I gasped, taking a step back as his skin ripped apart, fur sprouting in various places on his body.

I heard him snarl as his face elongated and formed into a snout, his teeth sharpening like daggers. Then, he turned to me. He was on all fours, his eyes pitch black.

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