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I woke up in the arms of a very naked, very beautiful man. I stretched my very sore legs and rolled to face Remington. He was sleeping peacefully, his arm wrapped around my waist.

He slowly opened his eyes, stretching. He rubbed his eyes and then turned back to me with a lazy smile.

"Good morning, beautiful." He said in his groggy morning voice. I sighed, wanting to stay in bed with him all day.

"Good morning." I smiled, my cheeks heating a bit under his gaze. He smiled back, reaching a hand up and caressing my cheek.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered, his eyes roaming my face in a daze. I bit my lips, looking away.

"Remi, as much as I want to stay here for a very long time," I started and he immediately groaned. I knew he wouldn't wanna leave bed. "I wanna go check on Maria."

He sighed, nodding slowly. I went to pull the sheets, so that when I got up I'd be covered. His hand reached out and yanked them away and I gasped, a gust of cold air hitting me full force.

"Remington," I grumbled, scrambling onto the bed and pressing up next to him.

"Mm, aren't you looking a little cold." He said with a smirk, looking down at my now hardened nipples.

"Yes, I am. Now give." I pleaded and he shook his head. Fine. Wanna play that game? I will. "Fine."

I slowly climbed out of bed, stretching my arms up in front of me. Honestly, I only did it partly for him. The other part of me wanted to stretch my sore limbs. I heard him growl lowly from the bed. I smirked and turned around, strutting to the closet. I yelped when I felt a slap on my ass.

I turned to see Remington was right behind me, a devious smirk on his face. He grabbed my hips and pulled me into him. I gasped when I felt his member press against me just below my belly button.

"You think you can get away that easily." He breathed huskily. A small, sneaky smile spread across my face as I nodded. "Maria can wait."
After my breathing had calmed down, I turned to smile at him. He was the best thing to happen to me. How am I supposed to go to school and live in a world where none of this exists to everyone else?

I ignored the thought, my mind running back to Maria. I needed to go see her. I got off the bed, earning a groan from Remington as he rolled onto his stomach in the bed.

I walked to the closet and went to the drawers in search of underwear to put on. When I opened the first drawer, I gasped. The drawer was filled with red, black, and white lacey thongs and matching bras and bralettes. I shook my head and grabbed some underwear.

I then pulled on a pair of the leggings he'd gotten for me. Then I grabbed one of his shirts and pulled it on. I walked back into the room to see him stretched out on the bed, asleep.

I went to his bathroom and noticed there were two tooth brushes, a black wooden one and a lighter wooden one. I grabbed the lighter one and rummaged for some tooth paste.

Once I was done in the bathroom, I headed back into Remington's room. I sat down on the bed and leaned in to kiss his head. When I did, I heard him hum and he wrapped his arms around me.

God dammit.

"Remington," I groaned, trying to push my way out of his grasp.

"Mm, come on. Please." He pleaded and I sighed, shaking my head at him. He's like a kid. They argue their way illogically out of everything.

"Remi, now. We need to check on Maria. Come on." I whispered, kissing the corner of his lips now. He opened his eyes and frowned at me.

"Hey, no. I want a real one." He said, pointing at his lips and looking at me as if I'd just wronged him.

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