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I smiled as he walked out onto the small stage. He sat down on the stool and got himself situated. He looked up and his eyes searched the crowd. They found mine and I smiled at him. He smiled back and took a deep breath.

He started playing a slow song on his guitar and I sighed. He had always been such a good player. He usually plays the instrumental acoustic version of everything. I was so excited to hear him sing tonight.

It started off soft and quiet. He sounded exactly like you'd expect. A kind, soft, and gentle voice with the slightest rasp. It was a sad song, about being alone. He's not alone. He has me. Wait, now it's different. I think it's about a girl.

My attention shifted as a gust of wind blew a familiar smell towards me. Evergreens and mint. I turned and my eyes immediately met his. Is he everywhere?

His light brown eyes pierced into me and I sucked in a breath. I turned away and focused on Isaiah's singing. Don't pay attention to him, no matter how much your attention wants to divert to him.

Don't think about how intoxicatingly smooth and deeply layered his eyes seemed. Don't think about how long the lashes were that framed them. Don't think about how tall and muscular he was compared to anyone you'd ever met. Not so muscular that you'd be grossed out by millions of veins, though.

Don't think about how you're suffocating in the smell of him somehow, even though he's across the room. Don't think about how it drives you wild and you don't know why.

Think about Isaiah. He's my best friend. His song is amazing? I wonder if he wrote it about a girl? I wonder who she is? Is he happy?

He finished the song with a smile and a deep breath, walking off the stage. He came jogging over with a loose smile on his face, a bit out of breath.

"Hey, so?" He asked, setting his guitar down in front of him. I smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it was amazing, Zay! I had no idea you were such a good writer!" I smiled, reaching forward and wrapping my arms around him. He hugged me back and we both pulled away after.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something." He said, then scratched the back of his neck looking nervous.

Someone cleared their throat behind me then. It was a deep, harsh sound. My heart beat raced as his smell flooded my nose. I turned in my chair to see him standing behind me, towering over me.

I went to stand up and my foot slipped on a chair peg and I nearly fell out of the chair. After stumbling miserably, I collected myself and stood beside Isaiah. My cheeks were burning hot. He was smirking down at me. He still stood a good foot or two above me.

"Hey, man. Isaiah." Isaiah reached out his hand with a smile. Isaiah was alway making friends. He was a very outgoing person. I always wondered if it made it harder for him to make friends being associated with me. I always felt like I held him back.

"Mendoza. New sub at your school, I think." He said nonchalantly. His voice shook me to my core. It was deep and velvety. I hung on to every word, waiting for more. His tattooed hand reached out and shook Isaiah's. Then he turned to me with a smile, reaching out his hand. "And you are?"

I reached over and clung onto Isaiah's arm. An very low and deep grumble(I think) came from the man as his eyes glared at my hands. What is his problem?!

"Sorry, it was nice to meet you. We were just heading out though." Isaiah said and I mentally thanked him. The guy who wanted to go by Mendoza's death glare followed us all the way out the door.

When we were outside I took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air and smiling from the weight off my shoulder. Isaiah turned to me with his nose and eyebrows scrunched up.

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