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"I should go." She said, pointing towards the door and I looked down at my feet, nodding knowing she was right. I looked back up as she headed to the door, turning back for a second. "Thanks."

I nodded and she slipped out the door. I could hear her feet padding on the floor as she walked away from me. She doesn't even know the way back from my room.

I had to focus. I shook my head, clearing away all thoughts of her. I headed down the hall and to Maria's room. She was sitting up in bed on her phone, clearly unaffected by any hangover. Perks of being a werewolf.

"Hey," She smiled, waving from the bed. I walked over and immediately sat down at the edge of the bed.

"Well, what did you find out? What did she say? What did you see?" I asked and she but her lip, looking conflicted. I knew Ryleigh wouldn't trust me, but I had to find a way to figure out more about my mate, even if she never finds out.

"I don't know, Manny." She aid, shaking her head. That's what she'd alway called me since we were little, using my last name instead of first. "I don't know if I should. This is really fucked up stuff. Like, personal."

"Personal is the point. I'm your alpha anyways, you have to tell me." I reminded her and she grumbled, rolling her eyes. Maria was never good with authority. She looked me in the eyes then, looking very sad.

"Maybe I should just show you. I don't want to say it." She said and I nodded. I took a peak in her mind and watched as a little girl materialized in front of me.

"Non, mom! Why are they taking me away?" The little girl screamed, thrashing in the arms of a very large man. His eyes glowed red. A rogue.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I figured out all our money problems." A woman said. She had dark brown ratty hair bundled all around her face. She looked familiar. Ryleigh had her eyes.

Then the images changed and the little girl was older now, but wearing less. She had black smeared around her shiny eyes. She was wearing a satin kind of dress with a lace kind of material on the bottom. The fabric didn't even reached her net-covered knees. Her hair was in ringlets around her head and her cheeks were blushed.

A man walked into the room and her eyes went wide. She was scared. She backed up, falling onto a bed. The man smiled sickly, stalking over to her. His eyes glowed red as he pinned the screaming girl down on the bed.

The images shifted to the girl, older now. The shine from her eyes was gone as she laid on the ground of what looked like a dark cave. Her hands were tied to what looked like a metal bar for plumbing. There were multiple girls on either side of her.

A bruise covered her shoulder with a pin prick in the middle. It was the same on every other girl. They were all on the ground, passed out. Men were scrambling around and I heard the faint sound of sirens.

The image flashed to the girl, a cop in front of her as she wrapped a blanket around the girl. The girl looked numb, emotionless. She was staring off at something. When I turned, I saw cops stuffing the scraggly old woman from the first image into a cop car.

Stop. Stop. I want out.

I blinked open my eyes to find myself back in Maria's room. My heart was racing, filled with rage. My blood boiled as I kept the imprint of the men's faces in my brain.

"I think a pack of rogues banded together. Her mom must've owed them a debt for something. So she sold her. I don't even think she knew they were wolves, Manny." Maria's voice spoke softly from the bed. I wanted to kill someone, something. I wanted to feel a life draining at my hands.

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