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A/N: Hehehehe... you'd think quarantine would make me write more, ha guess not. I'm sorry, school had me stressed, and then (I'm not even kidding) I forgot I was writing this, then school started again, and here we are. Haha oops.

Yeah I'm sorry, I have no excuses.


As it turns out, the four champions had been interviewed, but apparently the only one that had gotten a part in the article at the front page of the Daily Prophet had been none other than our surprising champion, Harry Potter.

Rita Skeeter's article wasn't so much a report on the tournament as it was a tragic life story of Harry. Most of the front page had been covered in his picture. The article was all about Harry, and the other champions from Bauxbaton and Durmstrang, whose names were misspelled, had been squeezed into the last couple sentences of the article, and Cedric hadn't even been mentioned.

Harry had taken one look at the paper and his expression visibly changed. He hadn't looked too happy about the article.

Will and I read another copy, and his reaction was understandable.

(A/N: This is actually what the book said.)

"'I suppose I get my strength from my parents. I know they'd be very proud of me if they could see me now....Yes, sometimes at night I still cry about them, I'm not ashamed to admit it....I know nothing will hurt me during the tournament, because they're watching over me....'

Harry has at last found love at Hogwarts. His close friend, Colin Creevey, says that Harry is rarely seen out of the company of one Hermione Granger, a stunningly pretty Muggle-born girl who, like Harry, is one of the top students in the school."

People, mostly the Slytherins, were constantly quoting the article at him when he walked by, and yelling insults his way. Mainly, they were just mocking him about the whole "sometimes I still cry about them."

As someone who also lost their loved ones fairly young, they weren't being very nice about it. But there's also the fact that those quotes were definitely not said by Harry. It doesn't even sound like him. Far too emotional and detailed. He didn't sound like that when he talked.

Regardless, Will and I regularly skipped class and most of the Professors didn't really care because we weren't technically there for school, but we learned that some of them, *cough cough* Snape *cough cough* were awful and we had to take every class, or be stuck in detention.


Harry was regularly being teased and Hermione wasn't very well off either. Of course, she was taking it remarkably well compared to Harry.

I heard some Slytherin girl saying something along the lines of "How is Hermione 'stunningly gorgeous?'" and yes, ok she isn't one the most beautiful of girls at the school, but that doesn't even matter. She's smart, she can destroy you with a single wand flourish!

(A/N: By the way, as a Slytherin, I hate the way Rowling made them all seem like awful villains. The only decent Slytherins were Slughorn and Regulus Black, and he's dead. I guess Narcissa wasn't too bad in the end, and she did lie to Voldy's face, but I still don't really like her that much. Anyways, ignore this.)

Honestly, I'm surprised she hadn't hexed them yet, personally I would've started swinging immediately. Or maybe just summoned some nice skeletons to chase them around the school. Nothing too bad, right?

Ron and Harry weren't talking, and Hermione was stuck trying to get them to be friends again. She complained to us about how annoying they were both being and Will and I weren't too keen on getting in the middle of this fight.

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