Cedric Diggory

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A/N: Have another chapter because I feel really bad and you deserve it

Hope you enjoy!


I was thoroughly enjoying our trip to Hogsmeade. It was a nice break away from the giant castle that seemed to be out to get us at every turn.

We walked around, admiring all the shops and watching the wizards in their natural habitat where they weren't being tortured with school. It was interesting seeing how different it was to the mortal world.

The best part of Hogsmeade, apart from all the candy, was a giant joke shop. We walked in and simultaneously let out a gasp. There were many colourful trinkets on every shelf, each seeming to be some kind of practical joke. Some seemed like harmless pranks, while others looked like they'd land someone in the hospital.

I was tempted to buy a couple, maybe send them to everyone back at Camp Half-Blood, but then I remembered we didn't even have all that much money left.

Sad, I would've liked to watch Percy try and take a sip out of a Nose-Biting Teacup, or Leo eat some Hiccough Sweets.

As we were wandering about, seeing many students from Hogwarts, most of which were wearing Support Cedric Diggory pins, we happened to pass by none other than Cedric Diggory himself.

Naturally, I elbowed Will in the ribs (apparently a little too hard as he instantly complained) and suggested we talk to him. "Maybe he knows something about the tournament."

"Yeah, actually," He said, rubbing his side, "that's a good idea."

Slowly, we made our way towards him. As we got closer, he turned to look at us, most likely hearing our footsteps.

He smiled warmly as a way of greeting once we reached him.

"Hi," Will started with an awkward wave, "You're Cedric, right?"

"Yes," he nodded, "sorry, who are you?"

"I'm Will," he said, pointed at himself and then at me, "this is Nico."

Cedric nodded, looking at each of us. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Uh, yeah, we were wondering if you could tell us about the first task tomorrow," Will said. "Do you have any idea what it'll be?"

"Ah," he said, clearly we weren't the first people to ask him that question. "No. Unfortunately, the champions are also kept in the dark until the actual trial."

"Oh," I looked down, disappointed. "Are you nervous about it?"

"Yeah, of course. Who knows what the Professors have planned."

"Do you think it'll be safe?" Will asked in a worried tone.

"If it wasn't safe, I don't think the ministry would allow it to happen at a school."

"Well yeah, but people have died during past tournaments. Aren't you at least a little worried something might go wrong?"

He shrugged, "Not really. We have Dumbledore."

Clearly these wizards put too much trust in one man. One very old man.

We talked for a little while longer, then we said our goodbyes, wished him luck, and parted ways.

As we were walking away and I was sure we were out of his earshot, I whispered, "Well that was completely useless. We didn't learn anything new."

"Yeah," Will agreed, "but now I understand why he's so popular."

I swivelled my head around to look at him, eyes narrowing, nearly giving myself whiplash, "Excuse me?"

"What?" he said nonchalantly, like what he'd said was no big deal. "I mean, he's very pretty—" he cut his sentence short once he'd looked at me, probably seeing my discontent. "Uh... what I mean is— wait, are you jealous?"

"Fuck you, Solace," I said quickening my pace and walking ahead of him.

"Hey, Nico," he called after me, "Come on, I'm sorry." He caught up to me easily, his long legs allowing him to take larger strides than I could. "You know I don't mean it like that."

I couldn't believe he had the gall to be laughing.


I frowned, staring ahead, still not looking at him.

"Hey," He grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him, "you know you're the only one for me."

He was still smiling.

I felt myself blushing despite my attempt to look angry. It was infuriating that he could make me blush merely moments after angering me.

Mega jerk.

"You're the prettiest boy I know," he smiled at me and for a moment, he rivalled the sun.

Such a fucking bright boyfriend.

If I hadn't been blushing before, I definitely was now.

"Shut up," I said quietly, having to look away from the beaming boy that made me lose any coherent thought I had.

"Don't tell me to shut up when I'm complimenting you," he pouted. "I'm trying to be nice."

Needless to say, we bickered all the way back to our dorm room.


A/N: Hehehe, I hope you enjoyed some Solangelo fluff.

I'm sorry, this was kind of short, but I hope it was okay.

On a completely separate note, I feel like I wrote Will kind of like Oikawa Tooru at the end there.

Oh well, I thought it was cute.

Thank you for reading :)

Actually, now that I think about it, this could've just been added to the last chapter. Oh well. 

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