Kisses and House-Elves (not necessarily related)

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A/N: Hehehe, sorry this was late again, school's been rough. But this is a longer chapter so I hope it's okay.

Anyways, have some Solangelo, motherfuckers (I mean this in the most loving and appreciative way possible)


December came, and it got cold. Obviously.

Unfortunately, Hagrid still had us outside and taking care of the Skrewts, which didn't seem to like me very much as I usually ended up with a number of cuts and bruises.

Apparently, he wasn't very well versed in these creatures and how to care for them either. When he told us he didn't know if they hibernated or not and had us all force them into these big boxes with fluffy pillows and blankets, they went on a rampage. Most of the class ran into his cabin to take refuge.

My face was decently cut, and I had to say that out of all the monsters I had fought, these ones seemed to be the most frustrating. Although, that might be more because I wasn't technically allowed to kill them.

"Well, well, well . . . this does look like fun."

Some lady, wearing a big magenta cloak with a furry collar, was leaning over Hagrid's garden fence. She was staring at us as Hagrid wrestled with the last Skrewt, trying his best to restrain it.

"Who're you?" Hagrid asked, finally wrapping some rope over the Skrewt.

"Rita Skeeter, Daily Prophet reporter," she replied with a beaming smile.

"Thought Dumbledore said you weren' allowed inside the school anymore," he frowned.

She ignored him, still smiling brightly. "What are these fascinating creatures called?"

"Blast-Ended Skrewts."

I racked my brain, trying to remember where I'd heard her name from. I vaguely registered her interrogating Hagrid about the creatures and his teaching, as I thought about who she was.

The Daily Prophet was a newspaper, but what had she written, and why was she here?

"Who is she?" I asked Will quietly.

"I think she's the one who wrote the article about Harry."

My eyes widened as the memory of that terrible article resurfaced. "Oh yeah."

I zoned back into the conversation when I heard her ask Hagrid for an interview.

"That will not end well," Will said, frowning.

"Yeah I don't think she's a very good reporter."

We went to lunch and skipped our next class. Divination. As great as it would be to see the future, it was so incredibly boring I could fall asleep.

(A/N: haha, me and my insomnia could never)

The day went by relatively normally, but Hermione cornered us before we could go to dinner.

"You're interested in freeing the House Elves, right?"

"Uhh," Will and I shared a confused look, "yes."

"Great come with me, will you?"

Will, still sporting his confused face, said "Sure."

She brought us to a brightly lit corridor with many paintings of food and then said, "Wait here," and ran off.

I opened my mouth to ask why she'd brought us here, but she'd already left.

I turned to Will and asked, "Where are we?"

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