I Don't Wanna Go

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A/N: Does anyone understand that reference? *Sobbs* I'm so sad *sobbs some more*

Disclaimer: I own nothing


The next morning I woke up to Will screaming "GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!!"

I opened my eyes and was harassed by the light he had let come through the windows and the one he was emitting. Why am I even friends with a son of Apollo of all gods?

I rolled over so my back was facing him and pulled my blanket over my head. "Leave me alone," I told him with a groan.

"Haha, not a chance." He said. Why does he sound so happy?

"I deserve some sleep," I said to him. "I'm tired."

"Sorry Death Boy, no can do. You need to eat some breakfast." He said mater-of-factly. I didn't answer.

What he did next took me by surprise. He put his hands on my head, which of course he couldn't see, and brought them down to the sides of my stomach. Then, he started tickling me.

I let out a surprised shriek and jerked off my blanket. I did the normal thing someone would do when they are being tickled. I started laughing and trying to get him to stop at the same time. I also may or may not have kicked him a couple times.

Finally, he said with a laugh, "Had enough? Ready to go have some breakfast?"

"Y-yeah— haha!" I said in between laughs.

Will stopped tickling me and went to the door. "If you're not outside in five minutes, I'm coming in without knocking and I will personally carry you to breakfast."

~Time skip~

Since I had missed my sword practice yesterday I went to the arena to practice. When I was about halfway there Will came up to me and said, "Have you packed yet?"

I just looked at him like he was crazy. Then again, maybe he was. "Um... no. Why?"

"What do you mean 'why?' We're leaving tomorrow, we need to pack!" He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"But I have all day, can't I just pack later?" I asked with a bit of a whine in my voice.

"No, you need to pack now." He said with a determined look on his face.

"Fine. On one condition."

"Alright, what is it?"

"After we pack, you have to be my sparring partner." I said with a smirk.

Will's face paled to the colour of paper. Not literally, I mean figuratively. He managed to choke out a weak, "Okay." He isn't very good at sword fighting. I'm not even sure he can lift a sword or that he's ever even touched a sword.

"Great. Wait, did you pack yet?" I asked him. The thought of him packing had just entered my mind.

"Yeah, I packed this morning. Before I went to your cabin." He said.

"Wait, then how early did you wake up?"

"I'm a son of Apollo, I pretty much rise with the sun." He said calmly.


"I honestly have no idea," he said. Also calmly. "Either way, now I get to help you pack," he said when we got to my cabin.

"How long are we going to be there?" I asked.

"It's a school, so probably until summer starts." He said with a shrug.

"What? That's almost a full year!" I said— er— yelled.

"I think it'll be cool. It's a school for magic, who knows what they'll be able to do," he said enthusiastically.

"I guess."

When we got inside my cabin we started packing my weapons and clothes, (which mostly consisted of black skull shirts, and black ripped skinny jeans. Although there was the occasional non-ripped black skinny jeans and just plain black shirts.)

After a lot of packing, and joking around, we finally finished. I looked at Will and he said, "Woosh, that took longer than I thought."

"Yeah, It did." Then I got a smug look on my face and said, "Now you have to spar with me." All he did was groan. "Aw come on, it's not that bad. You'll live. Probably."

When I said that he looked at me and his face read 'Really, Nico? Honestly?' His face was so sarcastic.

I ignored his face, mine stayed smug. "Come on, let's go." I said excitedly.

When we got to the arena I took out my Stygian Iron sword. Will had to go get his own (obviously not made of Stygian Iron, it was Celestial Bronze) because he didn't have one. All he had was a bow and arrow, you know, being a son of Apollo, but that wasn't going to help him in a fight against a sword and at a close distance.

I took my starting position. Will mimicked me, only he wasn't used to holding a sword so it looked a little awkward in his hand.

I looked at him and said, "You ready?" I didn't want to knock him down without him being ready. I also didn't want him to have that excuse.

"Yeah," he said, I think he sounded a little nervous, to be honest.

I started with a slash from left to right. Or, at least, I attempted it, he managed to block it, don't ask me how. I twisted my hand and made my sword swivel over his blade and I slapped his wrist with the flat part of my sword. That got him to let go of the hilt and his sword flew about halfway across the arena.

I held my sword at his neck and raised an eyebrow. I said with a smirk, "You suck at this, don't you? That took about two seconds, what kind of sparring practice is this?"

He retorted by saying, "Oh shut up, it's not like you're amazing at archery. I just don't have experience."

"You aren't that good at archery either though, and you do have experience," I reminded him.

He pouted. Why does he have to look so adorable? It's killing me. Hang on, did I just say— I mean think that? Since when is Will adorable?

I mentally slap myself. I guess my confusion at my own strange thoughts showed on my face because Will said, "Are you okay?" He sounded worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answered hastily. "Let's continue. I want to kick your butt at least five more times."

"Hey!" He said indignantly.

After about an hour, we decided to stop because Will didn't want to lose any more dignity. He was already down to about 5%. We went to dinner, because apparently we were packing all through lunch.

Chiron decided to let Jason, Percy, and I sit at the same table because there was only one of us at each table.

"So, how many times did you knock Will down?" Percy asked with amusement in his voice.

"Too many to count," I said with a laugh. "Wait, How did you know I was practicing with Will?" I asked.

"Well, we heard your voice, and then we heard his voice, and then we heard you two laughing very loudly. So, we decided to watch from afar." Jason said with a shrug.

"Will's slip ups are hilarious." I admitted. "You have no idea how many time he fell on his butt," I say with a laugh.

The rest of dinner was spent laughing and talking. Same with the campfire. Why do I have to leave tomorrow? I'm going to miss my friends.


A/N: So, how was that? I hope you liked it.

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