Chapter 2- Friendships blossom

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Hermione tried not to bite her nails as she stood in her new Hogwarts robes and awaited her cue to make a grand entry into the hall. Ginny had vanished a while ago so that her absence was not noticed and since then Hermione had been standing stock still with nerves.

She could hear Dumbledore's booming voice resounding through her ears when he said those fateful words:

'Let me welcome Hermes Orion' Hermione forced her legs to move and went to stand next to Dumbledore in front of the staff tables, trying to appear casual and ignore the numerous eyes fixed upon her. 'I hope that you will all help welcome him and help him through his year at Hogwarts, no matter what house he is placed in.'

With that, Dumbledore gave Hermione a nudge in the small of her back.

Fidgeting wildly, Hermione walked up to the stool and placed the tattered-looking hat over her head, relieved to find that it obscured her sight of the other students. Ginny had told her about the Houses and knew that, whatever Dumbledore believed, the house you were sorted into decided your fate at Hogwarts and was taken seriously by the students.

'Hmmm,' a voice spoke in her head. 'Interesting, very interesting'

'What's interesting?' Hermione asked.

'You're not a boy are you, miss?'

Hermione stifled the urge to snort. Of course, she wasn't. 'No, I'm here undercover for my safety'

'Yes, I see that.' the hat hummed indecisively 'You might do well in Ravenclaw. You have a sharp mind, but then I don't see you mingling well with them.'

'I want friends. Good friends' Hermione piped up, hoping that the hat got the hint.

'Yes, alright then SLYTHERIN' The hat called.

Hermione sighed in relief made to move to the table with green-clad students. She tried not to notice the many girls all shuffling around trying to make room for her, but pointedly ignored them and sat down next to a pale, blonde boy at the end of the table, who wasn't trying in the least to grab her attention looked like he needed company. The looked surprised at her choice but made space for her on the bench anyway.

After a few staff announcements, the feast began and Hermione began to eat. Everyone seemed to know each other and hardly anyone seemed to pay her even an ounce of attention. She was grateful that she wasn't getting any unwanted stares, but maybe a friend or two would be nice. Looking around at all the merry faces talking to one another, Hermione decided to let the chance pass for now and focus on the feast instead. She was grateful for her decision for the feast was absolutely delectable and she found herself sighing blissfully at the chocolate souffle.

A laugh startled her from her reverie only to find a dark-skinned, Italian boy smiling good-naturedly at her. 'I'm Blaise. Blaise Zabini.'

'Hermione Granger' Hermione nodded, thankful to make at least one friend.

The pale boy, who'd been idly consumed with eating his food until now gave her a quizzical look. Hermione raised her eyebrows at him and Blaise chose to explain. 'That's Draco. Don't mind him. He's simply surprised that you chose to sit next to him.'

Hermione looked the pale boy up and down, expecting to see him manifest some strange disease, but, as she expected, he didn't 'Is there something wrong with him? Why wouldn't I choose to sit here?' Hermione asked, genuinely curious now. B

Blaise's eyes widened, unsure of how to explain. How could this girl not know?

'My family played an important part in the War. On the wrong side.' Draco explained shortly, glaring at the Italian boy halfheartedly. Then Hermione remembered where she had heard his name.

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