Chapter 8- Rough Awakening

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'What do you think?' Draco snarled 'Are you saying that I should believe that my friend, from the moment I was born, is lying because a friend I've had for two weeks has said so?' He laughed mirthlessly.

Hermione's eyes widened as she began to understand how the situation must look from his side. In a feat to explain, she tried to interrupt him 'No, I don't-'

'I want to believe you, Hermes, I really do' Draco continued, his eyes laced with badly shielded sadness and a pang of sadness hit Hermione 'You've been an amazing friend to us these past two weeks, but you can't expect me to go against the facts and the fact is what Pansy had seen' There was a note of finality in his voice, as he turned over in the hospital bed, his back facing Hermione.

Sighing, Hermione left the hospital wing without another word and up to the owlery to send an owl to Ginny. She fought the urge to look back and check on her blonde friend, but she fought the urge, vowing to herself that she would only visit him when she had proof.

If she had decided to turn around, she would've seen a pair of cautious silvery-grey eyes watching her retreat.


Gossip in Hogwarts spreads like wildfire and nobody knew that fact better than Ginny Weasley, who had been the subject of gossip multiple times before. Before nightfall that day, the whole school knew what Hermes Orion, the new boy, had done, so when Ginny got an owl from Hermione, telling her that they needed to talk, she wasn't at all surprised.

'Hey, Gin, where are you going?' Harry asked, in the middle of a particularly difficult chess game with Ron, when Ginny made to get up.

'A walk' Ginny muttered, bristling at Harry's nickname for her.

'I hope you aren't out to meet him' Ron warned, alerting many in the vicinity to their conversation.

'You have no control over my life, Ronald!' she spat before exiting the common room.

'Maybe she hasn't heard what happened' A stuttering first-year told Ronald, patting him on the arm, to which he earned a filthy glare.

'She's in for a rough awakening then' Ron snarled, shoving the first-year off his arm.


Theodore Nott had always loved his walks before bed. He loved the feel of the fresh air wafting across his face and it had always helped him sleep. Before Hogwarts, his mother ,who was very busy during the day, used to take him out to the Zabini water fountain every night on a walk and he used to relish those special moments. Now, even though it had been years since his mother had done anything close to that, he still loved his walks. They had helped calm him down during the war and clear his mind on the most dreadful days.

Today, he was on his way to the Hogwarts grounds ,when another ,visibly younger, student caught his sight. The girl looked familiar and ,as he approached, he recognised her dress sense and figured out who it was.

'Ginny Weasley' he whispered out loud. He watched as she slipped into a near by classroom. All thoughts of his walk forgotten, he sidled up to the door ,conjuring a glass cup and pressing it to the door.


'Ginny!' Hermione cried ,when Ginny closed the door of the abandoned ,drafty classroom near the stairs to the Slytherin dungeon that Hermione asked her go to. 'I was worried that you wouldn't come'

'That I would believe the rumours?' Ginny laughed 'I've been the recipient of gossip many times before and they have never been true'

'Well...' Hermione started tentatively 'Draco did fall off his broom' Ginny's eyes widened 'But I didn't make it happen or anything. I simply happened to have my wand pointed at him ,when the hex was fired at him'

'Do you know who did it then?' Ginny asked.

'It was Potter and Weasley' Hermione grimaced.

'Those bloody idiots' Ginny cursed.

'You believe me then?' Hermione smiled.

'Of course I do' Ginny smiled back 'You're here to hide from dark wizards ,not to make trouble' Hermione laughed but then she looked pensive.

'No one else does ,though.' Hermione sighed. 'And I have no way to prove it to them. Why didn't I take a photograph of them or something to prove they were there? Stupid. Stupid me.' She punched the air in frustration.

'Hermione Granger' Ginny shook her head 'You are anything but stupid. You are the smartest girl I have ever met'

Hermione was about to reply ,when they heard a loud clatter outside their door.


Theo froze as he heard Ginny's words. Hermione Granger. Hermes Orion was Hermione Granger. It didn't make sense. It was only then that he registered that he had lost hold on the glass in his hands and that the voices in the room had ceased.

Retreating from the door, he rushed back behind the statue and watched as Ginny and Hermione turned their backs on each other and walked in the opposite directions. Theo had an urge to go and confront Hermione and ask her what she meant by everything, but he resisted ,deciding to dwell on the fact for a bit longer.


A/N: Next chapter up! Sorry for the delay!

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Sam <3

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