Chapter 7- Yes or No

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'Hermes?' Draco asked 'You coming?'

'Coming where?' Hermione asked. She had zoned out a while ago from their conversation because of something suspiciously unusual at the Gryffindor table. Harry Potter nor Ron Weasley were there. Usually, they would be the first in the Great Hall, stuffing their faces with all kinds of food, but today they couldn't be seen. Ever since the rumours of her and Ginny being a couple, Hermione had been waiting for Potter to do something, to get revenge, but two weeks had passed and nothing had happened.

'Quidditch' Blaise replied, frowning 'Something on your mind, Hermes?'

'Yeah, I'll come, but no flying for me' Hermione smiled, ignoring Blaise's question.

'You can sit and accompany me' Pansy grinned 'Come on or the Gryffindorks will grab the pitch'


'This is boring' Pansy moaned, sucking on one of Theo's Sugar Quills. Hermione had to agree. There wasn't much action on a Quidditch practise with only three players. Draco was successfully releasing and grabbing the snitch, while Blaise and Theo were passing the quaffle from one to another.

'It is' Hermione agreed, her chin dropping onto her chest. They sat like that for a while,simply staring, before-

'Why don't we have a bit of fun? You know, spice things up a bit?' Pansy asked, a mischievous grin on her face.

'I don't follow'

'We could help them a bit' Pansy explained slowly 'Like to make their practice more like a game'

'I'm not sure'

'Oh come on. We could add the bludgers and then dictate them using our wands from here. It could almost be like a real game' Pansy was almost jumping out of her seat in excitement. 'And I have no idea how

'Well, it wouldn't hurt' Hermione thought aloud.

'No, it wouldn't' Pansy encouraged.

Eventually, Hermione raised her wand and pointed it straight at the casket, in which the bludgers were kept.

'Alohamora' she muttered. The casket opened and out came the bludgers. They headed for the sky in the same direction. Her wand still held high, Hermione attempted to hit the bludger back down to the ground,but before she could utter the spell, the bludger she was aiming at made a U-turn and headed straight for-

'Draco!' Pansy screamed, as he was knocked off his broom.

'Molliare' Blaise shouted, pointing his wand at Draco, but the spell wasn't strong enough and Draco landed with a hard thud on the ground.

'Oh my god' Pansy cried as she sprinted down to the pitch. Hermione made to see Draco when a flash of bright red near the broom shed aligning the pitch caught her eye and she made a bee-line for it. The voices of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley caught her ears.

'He's got a bleeding heart' Potter sneered 'Getting his best friend is just as good as getting him. Let's just hope he suffers enough'

'We got Malfoy good there' Weasley chuckled heartlessly. Hermione heard them high five just as she neared the broom shed.

'They all will probably believe it's him as well

'I knew it was you two' she scowled, as she showed herself to the two boys. They looked stunned for a while before Potter spoke.

'It doesn't matter even if you know it was us. Your friends don't. They think that it was you'

'They wouldn't' Hermione instantly said before realising that all the evidence pointed at her. The two Gryffindors seemed to understand that and they sneered derisively.

'This will serve you right for taking what isn't yours' Harry Potter smirked before making his way to the castle with Weasley in tow.

'It isn't yours either' Hermione muttered under her breath.


'Where am I?' Draco croaked, blinking rapidly as his eyes adjusted to the bright hospital light.

'Oh, Draco, you're awake!' Pansy squealed.

'Lower your voice' he moaned, attempting to sit up.

'Ah, Mr Malfoy, you're awake, at last,' Madam Pomfrey bustled over with a pink liquid which she offered to Draco. He drank it gratefully, almost spitting it out in the process, before turning to Pansy, Theo and Blaise.

'What happened?' he asked.

'You got hit by a bludger' Theo started to explain.

'And then you fell from your broom' Blaise carried on.

'Before hitting the ground' Theo finished with a smirk.

'How are boys so insensitive?' Pansy screeched silently 'He could've died!'

'I'm going to ask you again. What happened?' Draco asked, thoroughly annoyed.

'Well, it's complicated' Pansy replied 'And confusing'

'Am I going to get an answer or not?' Draco demanded.

'Jesus!' Pansy cried 'Be patient!' And then she explained the events in the stands.

'So, you think that Hermes did this to me?' Draco asked.

'I'm not sure' Pansy hesitated.

'It really does look like it, though' Blaise said 'What else could've happened?'

'It could've been a mistake' Theo said.

'He's the brightest wizard of his age' Draco rolled his eyes 'Whatever it was,it wasn't a mistake'

'Are you sure that his wand was pointed at the bludger?' Theo asked.

'Yes, I also saw him mutter something indiscreet' Pansy nodded gravely.

'Then it has to be him' Blaise confirmed.

'The audacity' Theo shrieked in an unmanly manner.

'How dare he!' Pansy cried.

The three of the visitors kept on contemplating other ideas and bad-mouthing Hermes, but Draco wasn't listening. He couldn't believe that Hermes Orion would purposely knock him off his broom because he felt like it. It was simply an inkling, but it was his inkling.


Hermione ran up to the hospital wing after her encounter with Potter and Weasley, but the hospital wing was on the other end of the castle and without the use of a broom, like her friends, it took her quadruple the time to get to her destination. By the time she got there, only Draco was there.

'Visiting time is over' Madam Pomfrey told her when she entered.

'I'm sorry, but this is important' Hermione pushed past her and went up to Draco, leaving Madam Pomfrey to throw her hands in the air,

'Draco,' Hermione called, her voice tentative and shaky.

'What do you want?' he snarled.

'I wanted to ask if you were okay?' Hermione continued.

'Oh, I'm absolutely spiffing' he replied sarcastically, before turning away from the disguised girl.

'You don't believe it, do you?' Hermione asked, taking a deep breath.

'Believe what?' Draco asked, with feigned ignorance.

'You know what I mean' Hermione said.

'No. Explain' Draco demanded.

'You don't believe that I tried to hurt you, do you?' Hermione asked, not really wanting to hear his answer. She didn't know why, but it dearly affected her, whether Draco trusted her or not, even if they were only friends for three weeks, so far. She held her breath as he opened his mouth to speak.


Oh I am mean, aren't I? Leaving you on such a cliff hanger. I don't do it often, but this seems like such a good place.

Tell me what you think. Will Draco say 'yes' or 'no'?

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Sam <3

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